Saving Ever After (Ever After #4)

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Book: Saving Ever After (Ever After #4) Read Free
Author: Stephanie Hoffman McManus
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decided to venture out of my
room. I was hungry and needed food soon, and I couldn’t very well get started
on this new life if I stayed cooped up in my room. I grabbed my key from the
desk and wrapped the lanyard around my neck, and then left my room, locking it
behind me. I turned and almost smacked into a group that was walking past my
    “Oh, hey,”
one girl said, taking me in.
    “Sorry,” I
    “It’s all
good,” one of the guys with her said. “What’s your name?”
    “Uh, Mia.”
    “Well Mia,
welcome to the Myles,” he grinned devilishly and right away I knew that he was
trouble. I’d seen smiles like that one before. “I hope you find everything to
your satisfaction, and if there’s anything you need, I’m Derek. I’ll do
whatever I can to ensure that your stay with us is a memorable and pleasant
one,” he winked. He obviously knew what he was working with, which was a very
handsome face and athletic build that, no doubt, made him a hit with the
opposite sex.
    “Oh knock it
off, Derek,” one of the other girls, there were three of them, rolled her eyes
at him and then stepped forward. “I’m Jillian. This is Dawn,” she gestured at
the short blonde girl next to her, “and Heidi,” she indicated a darker haired
girl on her other side who had spoken first. “You’ve met Derek, our resident
idiot, and this is Leland, his sidekick.” She pointed at a tall guy standing
behind Derek, but at the word ‘sidekick’ he frowned and stepped forward.
    “Hey, I’m nobody’s
    I chuckled.
Leland was cute. He was tall, with sandy blonde hair, light blue eyes and
dimples that appeared when he smiled at me. All of them appeared to be a couple
years ahead of me. I couldn’t be sure, but I guessed that they were at least
sophomores, if not juniors.
    “It’s nice
to meet you guys,” I said, still smiling. “Would you mind pointing me in the
direction of the dining hall?” I was pretty sure I wouldn’t have any trouble
finding it, but thought it would be better if I had someone show me. I had this
fear of wandering around lost and then walking into the wrong room and looking
like an idiot.
    “No problem.
That’s just where we were headed.” Jillian smiled and took my arm, pulling me
along with their group. “And on the way, you can tell us all about you, Mia.”
    “Uh, okay.”
Maybe this whole college thing would be easier than I thought if all it took
was walking out my door to make new friends.
    On the walk
down to the dining hall, I learned that they were all, in fact, juniors. Jillian,
who sometimes went by Jill, Heidi and Dawn had been rooming together since
freshman year. Jill and Heidi were both from New York, but didn’t meet until
coming to school here, and Dawn was from Springfield. I had no idea where that
was on the map, but they made it sound like it wasn’t that far from Boston.
Derek and Leland were best friends from Connecticut and met the girls when Derek
and Dawn dated last year. According to them, they were just friends now and the
whole group was pretty tight, but none of them dated each other now.
    Somehow in
the short walk, on top of sharing their whole group dynamic, they managed to
extract most of my background, at least the basics. I didn’t divulge anything
really personal, but I told them I was from Seattle and that my dad ran a
software company and my oldest sister lived here in Boston, which is why I
chose to go to school here. I left out our family drama, my past mistakes, the
fact that my sister was dating a rockstar and that I’d met all of the members
of basically the hottest band in the world right now. I wanted to make friends
without having to use that tidbit.
    Half way
through our dinner, I was feeling good about my new group of friends. They
didn’t seem to mind that I was a lowly freshman, and were perfectly happy to
take me under their collective wing. They filled me in on all of the important
goings on, which events I had to

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