nothing but disgust for this man. It is true Fent hasn’t handled this situation very well, but damn it, no one ever believes in him. Everyone makes him out to be awful before giving him a chance to prove them wrong. He always feels he’s being attacked, he doesn’t know how to act any other way. “How can you treat your own son this way? You talk about him using people but I do believe you were the one crying fake tears when my father asked you about your family. You never even flinched when you told us they were all dead. What type of person does that make you, Frank? I don’t know what happened after Danny died but I know the two of you should try to heal together instead of fighting and blaming each other. What could possibly have happened that was so bad that you couldn’t even comfort your own son? From what I’ve witnessed in him, just in the short time that I have known him, he was traumatized by what happened. Never once did I get the impression anything was done intentionally. I understand the shock of the situation may have been completely drowning at first but you two are family, you’re supposed to help each other through hardships.” “Piper, listen…” “No, I will not listen to you. I’m going to find Fent, to let him know that he has at least one person in this world that still cares for him,” I exclaim, shouldering past him. “You’re going to regret this, Piper.” The contempt in his voice rolls my stomach. I don’t know how someone I once had so much respect for now makes me sick to my stomach. “Is that a threat?” I ask without facing him. His laugh is sadistic and my blood runs cold. He walks up behind me, so close I can hear him breathing. “Everything Fenton loves dies, you would be wise to remember that,” he whispers in my ear. “I know you’re trying to scare me but I don’t give up easily. All you’ve succeeded in doing is fueling my need to help Fent and proving to everyone what an awful father you are.” “Why would you believe that drug addict is worthy of your trust?” “Fenton has never lied to me. He has always been himself which is more than I can say for you.” “If you want to keep your position with James, you’ll change your tone and think about what you are doing.” “Mr. James…Frank. I love my job at James but I will never work for a person who is as conniving as you.” “Well, I guess you can grab your things on the way out.” Panic soars through me as I realize that in the span of a few weeks time, I’ve found myself involved with a player and been hired and fired from my dream job. This is a very defining moment in my life and how I handle it will depict my future. “Mr. James, there is no question I love this company. In the short time I’ve worked here, I’ve learned so much. You’ve shown me how to relate knowledge and skill then how to apply it to daily work. You’ve taught me how to be a professional. I’ll admit, I’ll never be able to thank you for your guidance. However, I refuse to work for someone who has questionable morals. You may believe your relationship with Fenton is none of my business. You may believe he’s your son and you are free to treat him as you please. All of that may be true but I want no part of it. I’ve grown to care about Fenton and I can’t in good conscious sit back and watch you send him further down a path of destruction. You can argue all day that isn’t your doing but it is. “I want thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your company but you’ve left me no choice but to leave James.” My stomach drops as the words cross my lips. I’m in shock. I can’t believe I’m already walking away from this company. This company took a chance on a brand new architect and this company that gave me so much with while I had very little to offer in return. But I have no choice. I know how I operate and I won’t be able to live with myself if I stay at James. Even though Fenton