could, considering that the table stood in his way.
“Move the table!” he shouted. “I can’t get her with the table in the way!”
“Fuck!” screamed Susan. “Fuck, get it off me!”
Death was in the air, now mixed with the smell of blood. I rushed forward, where I met Danny and Nathan. The three of us struggled to slide the heavy table away from the window.
“Abbey!” I yelled as we weren’t moving it fast enough. “Leave the baby on the floor! We need help!”
The girl did as instructed, joining us in the effort. At last the heavy piece of furniture budged enough for Boggs to wedge himself in beside Susan.
“Oh fuck…” I heard him moan.
Susan’s cries had subdued, leaving her whimpering.
“She’s bleeding,” cried out Boggs as he began striking at the creature that the rest of us had yet to lay eyes upon.
“Cut my fucking hair, Boggs!” cried out Susan.
“I can’t Sue, its face is too close,” grunted Boggs as he struggled with the creature.
The signature of the Roamer was growing in my head. It was hungry, but there was something else. Susan was bleeding and the smell of her blood was driving it wild. I wasn’t sure if it was me smelling the iron scent of blood, or the living dead smelling it. Either way, it was nauseating. Eventually Susan began screaming in pain again as I heard the sound of Boggs hacking into dead flesh. It took longer than usual, but the signature in my head finally faded as the zombie died. I heard it crumple to the ground outside, knocking something against the house as it did so.
Boggs hurried Susan away from the window, her whimpering now drowned by the wailing baby.
“Is she bit?” yelled Danny, being prudent. When no one answered he raised his voice even louder. “Damn it! Is she fucking bit?”
I looked over at the teen and saw the worry on his face. Boggs kept his hold around Susan’s waist and Nathan was already at their side. He took his shirt off and held it over the side of her head, which I assumed was where she was wounded.
“I…I…I don’t think so,” stammered Susan.
Abbey looked at me with fear in her eyes. I knew that she was silently asking me to tell her everything was fine. Instead, I reached out and took hold of her elbow and pushed her behind me.
“Abs, stay back till we’re sure,” I whispered. “Boggs,” I continued. “Nate. You both need to back away from her.”
“No way, Zoe,” answered Nathan. “She needs me. I’ll take the risk.”
“Boggs, step back,” I continued.
Susan whimpered again. Whether from pain or fear, I wasn’t sure. I reached behind myself for my familiar pistol, forgetting that I had long ago lost it. Boggs made no move toward safety.
“If she’s wounded you know she’ll turn. You’re risking everyone’s safety if you’re close when it happens,” I said, trying to keep my tone down. I knew Gus would agree, if he were still with us.
“She’s right,” said Danny, in an attempt to help me.
“We have to check her out,” I said. “You know the rules. Head to toe. That’s how we’ve always done it.”
“I’ll look her over,” said Nathan. “Just give me a minute.”
“You have to let me help, Nate. With your leg, it’s too big a risk,” Boggs voiced his concern. “You ok with that, Sue?”
I could see tears mixed with blood staining Susan’s face. She nodded ‘yes’ to Boggs and looked pathetically at Nathan.
“I don’t think it bit me. I think it pulled my hair out.” Her breathing was starting to calm now.
“Take her over by the fire,” suggested Danny. “It’ll be warmer and there’s more light.”
As Boggs began ushering Susan toward the old stove, I backed up, taking Abbey along with me.
“I want to stay with her,” mumbled the girl. I knew she was terrified that she may lose the woman who had grown to be like a sister, or even a mother, to her.
“Come help me with the baby, ok?” I asked quietly.
Baby Emmett was still fussing but sounded
Andre Norton, Rosemary Edghill