decided to stay over night instead of driving back and forth everyday.” “So, why didn’t you come home last night if you didn’t have any meetings this morning?” “The last meeting finished at ten o’clock. Sara always tells me not to drive in the dark, so I stayed an extra night. This morning, there wasn’t time for me to go home before my meeting this afternoon, so I came straight here. What does that have to do with anything? You don’t think I did it do you? Husband, chief suspect, I get it, but I’ve been happily married to my wife for a year now, and I have at least half a dozen alibis. Perhaps you could stop wasting time and chase the real killer before he or she gets away.” “These are just routine questions.” Danny stepped in. “I know. I’m sorry. It’s just … it’s my fault isn’t it. It’s always my fault. If I hadn’t gone away for business none of this would’ve happened. Sara hated me going away for work so often, she told me not to go, but I did it anyway. If I’d just listened to her … ” Neil’s voice trailed off. “Who has a key to your house?” Carl asked. He really didn’t like dealing with emotional people. Neil looked up, surprised at the question. “Just myself, Sara and Marion.” “Have any of the neighbours got a key? Maybe you gave them one in case you forgot yours and got locked out one day,” Danny suggested. “No. No one else has a key. We don’t know the neighbours well enough to give them a key. Although we’ve lived in the house since we got married, we haven’t really spoken to anyone in the area. Sara always said that we should have made more of an effort to get to know them, but they really weren’t our type of people.” “What do you mean by that?” “They thought they were better than us. They all have lots of money and pretty houses and expensive cars. They didn’t like the state of our house.” Neil tipped boiling water into a mug with coffee granules in it. “What about Sara’s family? Was there any conflict there?” “Sara didn’t have any family. Her parents’ were old when they had her and her grandparents’ passed away before she was born. She didn’t have any siblings and her parents were killed in a car accident three months ago.” “Was the accident suspicious?” “I don’t know. They looked into it for a week or so and then the case just kind of disappeared. I told Sara we should’ve tried to find out more, but she was just wanted to push it to the back of her mind and move on. She never really spoke about her parents or the accident after that.”
After a few more questions, they left. Neil didn’t seem to have any more information for them for the time being, but he’d given them several trails to check out. Until the investigation was over he’d be living in the hotel room which didn’t bother him, because he was booked in to the hotel until the end of the week anyway. Neil watched them walking through the hotel reception area. He could see that they were talking, but he couldn’t hear what they were saying. “The only person who has a key to the house other than him is Marion, so she had access to the house, but what motive would an elderly lady have for murdering her employer?” Danny held open the hotel door and waved Carl and Jamie through before him. “He also confirmed what Marion said about her being promoted. Maybe someone thought they deserved the promotion more than she did and wanted to get their own back on her.” Jamie scrapped her hair up into a ponytail. “Then there’s the parents’ car crash. Maybe someone killed the parents and has come back for the daughter.” “Or maybe he’s just giving us false trails to cover up what he did,” Carl added. “He has alibis for the whole weekend. There’s no way he did this.” “I don’t know. He seems a bit odd to me. I wouldn’t cross him off the suspect list.” Danny rolled his eyes at Carl. He never