Past Will Haunt
department had him on speed dial, and it was driving him bat shit insane. A day didn't go by where he wasn’t notified of an infraction. Elizabeth LaRue liked speeding through the city, terrorizing the local law. The Capitol police had it out for her, and she didn't care.
    Every time they pulled her over, she’d flash her badge, smile at the cop, and he’d let her off with a warning. Still, the infractions were adding up. She was a southern hell raiser, and she knew it. While she looked like a model, she acted like an escapee from lockdown.
    But she wasn’t the worst of the pair. Well, not for Gabe.
    Livy Spencer was one hell of a flirt, and she had no problem directing her gaze and lingering stare at him.
    What could he do?
    He’d blush, start thinking about sex, and then have to warn himself that he was falling down the rabbit hole.
    He was screwed.
    That heat didn't flush up his neck and to his face—no, of course not. It went down to parts of him that he couldn’t acknowledge.
    With each innuendo, he wanted to offer it back in the worst way. Olivia Spencer made him forget that he was technically her boss.
    Yeah, they were trouble.
    No…he was in trouble.
    They were also damn fine Feds, but they liked to break the rules, and he didn't know what to do with that. Was he supposed to yell at them, or give them free rein as they closed the cases?
    They were damn good at their job.
    They were damn good at breaking the rules.
    Yeah, he had his answer. He had to stop them before someone got hurt.
    Already, the higher ups had told him to get them under control, and it was now his job to mold them into model Feds.
    Yeah, that wasn’t likely going to happen. They were Frick and Frack, joined at the hip, and never going to change their ways. He could tell. If Gabe thought it was going to be easy, he had another thing coming.
    One way or another, he had to have order, or his tidy world would spin out of control.
    Yet, that’s how he felt every day when he saw her.
    Not Elizabeth.
    She lit him aflame. It was totally inappropriate, and he knew it. While his brain said one thing, his lower anatomy had a mind of its own.
    As the potential deputy director, he had to keep his hands off the underlings. If word got out that he had the hots for the one agent, he’d have to lose that position. It would be pulled from his reach, never to come back.
    Well, he couldn’t let that happen.
    He’d die.
    Gabe was all about the law, and he was all about the FBI. It was the perfect marriage, and he liked it that way. Law and order were paramount, and they acted as the foundation of his life. They kept him focused on the goal, and not the solitude of his life.
    He liked stability.
    He loved order.
    He craved power.
    Now he had to deal with something threatening his quiet life. Unfortunately, he couldn’t deny it anymore.
    He was crazy about Livy.
    He couldn’t help it. That’s why he was racing for his life, and to beat back the sexual demons. If he didn't run every morning, he’d spend every day trying to get into her pants. It was hard enough working around her and her truly spectacular ass.
    Her breasts.
    Her full, sexy lips…
    There she was again, wrecking his control. This is why he was running like someone was chasing him.
    Someone was.
    Livy Spencer was a fear he couldn’t vanquish. Every day at work, he was forced to see her at her desk. He’d been a fool to take them on, and he’d been an idiot to place their desks right outside his office.
    From the glass window, he could watch her. Livy, when she’d laugh, was stunning. The way she’d pull her red hair back, all the while her eyes dancing with laughter…
    It leveled him.
    Truth be told, women never had this control over him. Gabe was a stone when it came to the opposite sex. The few women he did date had told him he was cold.
    It was the truth.
    He couldn’t separate from work and play. He was icy chill in the field, and in the love department

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