so I post on Facebook chat with Emi send emails to my parents group messages to friends my legs numb from kneeling on the cushion as I type and gradually we electrons of that old atom connect regroup charge bond a little
but it’s different now our words show restraint we’re polite not sarcastic considerate not rude we ask questions read replies add follow-up questions we are caring concerned not ourselves as before as though we’re dressed up in oversized adult clothing
Lisa, nearly not a nucleus anymore hardly writes homework she says a whole summer’s worth Becca is full of Jesus and theories of why what happened happened Mona jokes in half français writes things like the moose is king de nos forêts the moose has une grosse tête the male moose has un immense panache but where before we would have joked back and before would have gotten mileage from those moose and before those moose would have turned to secret slang between us now we can’t find humor in a moose with a grosse tête and an immense panache
Emily hates stocking shelves says next year she’ll lifeguard Gina writes and writes poems I don’t get even when she uses words I do get Erin sends algebra messages 2(day) + 2(morrow) x 3(rude + x)roommates = insanity solve for x but only Namita sends return equations I tell them about the district middle school— my uniform kids I don’t really know outcast girl who didn’t want my help classes I don’t really understand paper fans we flap in the way too hot classroom … I gripe, but only a little all of us complain only a little
I think we will always complain only a little anything more seeming like drama after what happened to you
E ach night here I’m third in the bath after Uncle and Koichi— Baachan’s orders hot as it is in early July I don’t want a bath just a shower and besides it’s hard to think of climbing in the tub after Koichi and Uncle have been in even though they scrub clean outside the tub just the thought of them naked in that same water … well
first week I shower wash then second week sore from cycling to and from school sore from afternoons of mikan thinning I give in slip in soak in water my uncle and cousin soaked in water Baachan, Aunt and Yurie will soak in heated from below with a fire made of wood pruned from mikan trees in groves my great-grandfather began
this rectangular tub in the bathing room off the kitchen being the same tub my mother soaked in and must have thought in read in sulked in cried in at my age before she knew just how far her life would propel her from here
afternoons in the groves we thin and thin slope after slope terrace after terrace row after row of mikan trees the dirt littered with small green fruits now and then I lob one at Koichi when Aunt and Uncle can’t see and now and then I get ponged on the head or shoulder or pelted on my wide target of a butt
in the truck one day Koichi says that until I arrived he never thought of mikan as tobidogu —projectile weapons I laugh and tell him I’m just testing Newton’s laws the force of gravity on horizontal velocity
some days we cut grasses that grow fast after rains then spread the cuttings to control weeds— Aunt and me with scythes Koichi and Uncle with gas-powered trimmers that seem to sound even when the motors are off
when the noise finally fades crows jabber leaves rustle cicadas whine and hawks whistle above us four perched high on