this New Year’s Eve?” Ethel almost jumped out of her skin. The bubbly nurse sported big boobs, a small nose, and poufy blonde hair. “I’m fine, a little pain in my head every once in a while.” Missy preceded to erase Nurse Trish Donohue’s name off the white board and write her name largely on it. “I can give you something for the pain if you want.” Missy picked up the lid off Ethel’s plate and frowned. “I see someone didn’t eat all their din-din.” Ethel wondered if she was on the psychiatric ward. Did this nurse think she was a six-year-old? “I wasn’t hungry.” “Well I’ll let you slip this time. But next time you’ll get a spanking.” “You spank me sweetheart and you’ll be in that bed over there with Mr. Grant.” Ethel said, half laughing. Missy started crying, and Ethel felt bad. She was known for her odd fashion style, and her big mouth. For a moment, she thought she heard a voice from behind Mr. Grant’s curtain. She scoffed it off and thought her imagination was working overtime. “I’m so sorry—I didn’t mean to say that.” Missy tried in vain to catch the black from her eye make-up that was running down her cheek. She grabbed tissues from Ethel’s side table and blew her nose. “It wasn’t what you said…I just broke up with my boyfriend and I’ve been feeling sensitive lately. “Oh you poor thing. Men can be devils sometimes. Sit down.” Ethel couldn’t overlook the fear in Missy’s eyes when she said the word ‘devils’. “Did I say something wrong?” “I should check on Mr. Grant first.” Missy disappeared behind Mr. Grant’s curtain and returned minutes later. “Ok, he’s good. I can chat for a couple of minutes.” Ethel was happy to have some conversation. Most of her Clover Court friends had come to visit her. The only person who didn’t was Detective Vince Carpino. She wondered if he was with his wife, or with some other babe. The hunky detective was a known womanizer. In the last year, they had been through so much together. Her heart still ached for him sometimes but she’d given up on falling for men who prided themselves in being bad boys. It still didn’t stop her from feeling a pain in her stomach when remembering when they had kissed. “—we were happy for a while until I found out he was married.” Missy sobbed again. “And I found out today I’m pregnant with his baby.” Ethel couldn’t help but judge Missy. If a nurse didn’t know that she should use protection when having sex, then the world was screwed. Maybe Missy thought the man would leave his wife for her? Her mind flashed back to Vince and his marriage. It was good not to think about it. Even if Vince left his wife, she couldn’t be with the kind of man Vince is and think every-day of her life that he was bedding some easy female. “I’m sorry, Missy. Did you tell the man?” “Yes, that’s why I’m so upset. See we work together…” “Nurse Cleveland! I didn’t know gossiping with sick patients was part of your duties.” Ethel looked over to see a stern looking woman with her red hair in a loose bun. Missy looked like she would cry again, but she left quickly. “Now Ms. Cunningham, I hope you weren’t leading a young girl astray.” “She’s already been lead, and probably ran all the way!” Ethel mumbled. “Excuse me?” “Oh nothing. I assume you are the head nurse?” “Yes. My name is Gita.” The nurse preceded to erase Missy’s name and rewrite it, but only smaller. She added hers above Missy’s on the white board on the wall. With a stiff lip, the nurse preceded to take Ethel’s vitals just as Missy had just done. “Here is your medicine.” Nurse Gita stood over her like a drill sergeant as Ethel swallowed the blue pills. “What were those