you a critic?
Recently I read about a victim whose half-bitten nose
because I am privy to up-to-the-minute news updates
take their chunk out of me, they really do, when I remember
you or the clamp in whose tough metal I insist
my own gloss.
No enigma of note. A slight push then in my palms
cold onions to place on your eyes burned
from the tear gas cops shot as a warning. You’d better.
Is memory assiduous? See
how closely I spy. Sometimes
it’s kind. That’s mainly confession.
For example. Off balance. Near collision. One’s grammar. Feel regal.
No one resorts to speaking. I was such a shit
I mince and observe from the rear.
Some say a poetics of witness is enough or not quite
enough. Traffic lamps flutter and seem to
forget it everybody jerks and walks their
No lyric no cry.
January 20, 2012 at 19:48
A Note by
on Monday, September 11, 2010
at 8:59 Cerise, however did
you learn to form your
Qs with such an open
heart??? Wick A Note by
on Monday, September
11, 2008 at 8:57 Possibly,
I did. But you always
take your great-aunt’s word with
much too stiff a gum.
Con the group into liking
your shortbread. That’s my best
advice on the whole fricassee.
Spiffy A Note by
on Monday, September 11, 2005
at 8:55 All right then,
Christopher-Tom, have your tailor
call my grocer and we’ll
hammer out a deal we
can both live with. Fra
Pitooey A Note on Monday,
September 11, 2003 at 8:54
Gertrude, Are you sure you
can’t make just one sentence
smell like savory? Please? Your
best hound, Crawbelly. A Note
Monday 8:53 Darling Henry, Do
you think you’ll have time
to fix the garage door
in time for Samantha’s wedding
rehearsal? It is September after
all! Know you’re verrrrry busy,
interesting to view how over the past several years fb
has become a magazine in fact THE magazine where contributors
link each other to ‘content’
vast over the web consolidating
interest communities Selves market self
The bits where ‘friends’ say
something about her day or how he’s feeling affirm the
larger comfort of belonging in an emotional network but the
holy hottt
babez : ’ )
majority of posts now seem to be acts of alternative
journalism being performed for assumed allies You do this ‘for
free’ to constitute subjective reality
shifts within a radically more
virtual ‘norm’ and to vie
against the extinction of my
own vocations They all seem to believe in yourselves as
readership Curious and curiouser it competes for her first stirrings
city del pls
in the morning It is practically the last consumption of
each day It behaves like a social life but gradually
erases a social life as
much as it creates one
‘I’ in your third person
feels you are speaking to a
‘them’ but day by day some of us become more
untranslatable about picking up the phone as if the mirror-glass
o gawd bin th
will crack perhaps most reticulate in mind this season is
how fb generates a theatre of people-ideas the idea of
x the idea of y
translated head to head almost
without voice As if each
accompanies each other soothingly without
the cordial stickiness of physical companionship He streams near each
other’s idea of each other without the sloppy attention-onus of
tit fail dp now
i mean it )))
mutually sustaining embodiment You edit and edit and edit She
edits You decide what you’ll edit When he’s spontaneous I
edit that in for an
allowable waft When you’re sick
with fear you’re never sick
with fear They edit so
there is no I and don’t want to be, sort of,
ur perf omg xxx
Distances brows lip height weight colour shade pallor age where what footwear
Key squeal groans versions events report information outcome private website
Self hands weapon backyard fence uncle glove knee station details sequence conscience
David Moody, Craig DiLouie, Timothy W. Long
Renee George, Skeleton Key