tie relents. Thank god I whisper. All these people fit their times all these places held form. All these events hoisted away from my body a keyboard I’d again moisten from afar.
2 d tain multitudes Th Connors use th distance b tween brow … Philip zooms 2 d tain multitudes Peter n Cathy Werner count by height n Mr Groening weighs 2 d tain multitudes th Panachawks think in colour multitudes Van Quentin squints Larry R sizes up M Penant recalls who was in what footwear n Ric Hinta thinks in th key of squeals n Katie S website so Mrs Constantine swallows her middle daughter Jessica R’s pride fessing up n Thierry N … Schumacher’s pantomime in his backyard n Pierre G pushes Joy L into th fence Joy L cries uncle Pierre G throws Joy L’s losses 2 Th Kanes get 2 th station in haste Go now … let Miss Ninten’s conscience sleep first morning get clean Coffee front desk n report crime know … The Brothers Chang deed n redeem Mr Allen Abernathy’s allegiances since wazza really fun night Once will have 2 do 4 th persons d tained
We were all seeking more in formation on morphology we wanted faces with names we wanted names with faces O to be both recognizable and a bit of an identity dervish.
It is a pleasure to be informed to be in good form facing each other to recognize patterns of shade and light to gravitate toward the details the little dimple so unique the crow’s feet all your wonky teeth your zany hairline how you look at your best; And when you splinter on some retail camera clutching contraband, we have to repost.
Interesting 2 view over th past selves market self. Something about belonging – 2 b specific n unflinching – performed. 2 vie against ourselves 4 our first stirrings – 2 sort out whose hands held th weapon. Babez : ’ ) speaking 2 u as if th mirror-glass – leaps, lets conscience breathe – accompanies without th cordial stickiness of each other, that attention-onus – one was mistaken, 4 it was really quite fun. Well, we edit an allowable waft sick with fear – one visit will have 2 do – 2 persist in sequence elone.
Ww ws ro nl lk ki he ed dd dc aa aa Wt ts ss rp po oo nl lh ee cc ca aa Ww sr rr po oo oo nn ml lk ie dc aa www www tts sss srr rrr ppp ooo ooo ooo nnn nml lll llk kki ihh eee eed ddd dcc ccc aaa aaa aaa
Part 3
aaaa aaaaaccc ccdd ddde eeee hhii kkkl lllllmnn nnoo oooo ooop pprr rrrs ssssttww wwww cold sidewalk wake hard dawn crow call achesoon step past poor rain morn wakeslow cold
walkwa esoons oorrai akeslo
Wavering on a stoop. The day doesn’t start yet. Days on end come to a stop. The water is all in the lake. Level rises, falls, but the lake is itself. Everything alive in the lake belongs. Anything incompatible immediately ceases to breathe. There’s a limit.
You don’t necessarily do what is strategic when moths fly into your lips. What if the mouth had been ajar. What if I’d swallowed that fly. Perhaps I’ll dive under the surface.
I was an old lady in the first dream. Then I woke in a hotel room with tartar sauce on my little finger. We’d had supper and fucked. I didn’t feel so old then.