with his mind, listened for any thoughts she might share. After a few seconds, he stopped. It was as though an impenetrable barrier shielded her mind from his.
“What is she?” he asked.
Greyson’s throaty growl got his attention. “I told you. She’s off-limits.”
Wolfe started to argue when the door opened and Taylor Martinson walked in.
Just great. Perfect fucking timing.
Four vampyren accompanied the human, walking right on his heels. They seemed completely out of place in their business suits, expensive cufflinks and ties.
Greyson slid out of the booth, stopped at the edge of the table and peered down. “I’ll be on my way, but I meant what I said. Steer clear of that female. Things won’t end in the way you’re hoping for.” He sighed, reached into his pocket and removed a set of keys. “I’m not sure where you’re staying while you’re in my area, but the apartment upstairs is yours if you want it.”
Wolfe caught the keys in midair and slid them into his pocket. “I appreciate it.”
“No problem.”
Greyson brushed past Taylor as he weaved through the crowd. Wolfe didn’t bother rising to greet his guest. He remained quiet and observant as Taylor took a seat and the vampyren with him crowded around the sliver of space behind the booth. They placed their hands at their sides—apparently ready to go for weapons if necessary—alert and braced to fight.
“Wolfe.” Taylor’s voice was different, almost musical. It was a common occurrence when one ingested vampire blood on a regular basis. It caused them to take on unnatural traits.
“Taylor.” He mirrored the greeting with a nod.
“You look well.” Taylor settled as he spoke, undoing the buttons on his expensive navy jacket. He smoothed his snazzy tie with a swipe of his hand. His straw-blond hair had been neatly combed, his skin clear of stubble and baby-bottom smooth.
How nice. He dressed up for me.
“That’s always good to hear,” Wolfe replied smoothly. “I’d hate to know I looked like shit.”
“So that’s your game?” The thin smile on Taylor’s face evaporated. “Playing the role of the asshole?”
“No game, I’m just not in the mood for bullshit. We’re here for a reason. Let’s hop to it. Tell me what it’s going to take for the pack to smooth things over with your people.”
Taylor sniffed and glanced down at his shirt. “Lucius is willing to accept your olive branch, but he has a stipulation.”
“I wasn’t aware this was a negotiation.”
“If you want to keep the peace like you say you do, a display of goodwill will go a long way to prove it.” Taylor’s once-brown eyes went black. “Your alpha killed a powerful master, someone who cannot be easily replaced.”
“Shit happens.” Feigning disinterest, he shrugged. “But for the sake of conversation, let’s pretend I’m interested in your offer. What exactly do you want me to do?”
Taylor smiled and leaned forward, interlocking his long, pale fingers. “Simple. Someone followed us here. Someone we want taken care of. You do that for us and all is forgiven.”
Wolfe snickered and lowered his head, smiling. It figured. Vampires were never good at ridding themselves of unwanted problems. They were fast and powerful, but relied on brains, not brawn.
“You want me to kill someone?”
“That would be preferable.” Taylor nodded, smile intact. “But a maiming would work just as nicely. We want to send the message that acting against the king isn’t in anyone’s best interest—especially hers.”
Wolfe’s narrowed his eyes, his good humor fleeing. “Her?”
“Surely the prospect of cowing a female doesn’t intimidate you.”
“I don’t attack women, Taylor.” He couldn’t contain the throaty snarl that accompanied his words. “Hell no. Fuck off.”
Any form of friendliness in Taylor vanished, replaced with an uncompromising finality. “That’s the price for peace between the vampyren and the lycae. You want us to get
Lindsay Paige, Mary Smith