Modeling Death

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Book: Modeling Death Read Free
Author: Amber Kell
Tags: gay fantasy erotic romane
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opened the water bottle and took a long swig, surprised to find he was thirstier than he thought.
    "Okay, spill it; who's got you drooling?"
    Mandy laughed, a cigarette-induced throaty sound. "You're a clever boy. You know you're hot and only getting hotter. The number of contracts we have popping up for you are amazing. Did you know that on your last ad campaign they rearranged their shooting schedule so they could book you? We've had several companies recently who want you for big campaigns. After years of steady work, you're the new overnight sensation."
    She mentioned the amount offered. Jacob's jaw dropped. "Really?"
    "Absolutely. This is the prime of your modeling career, and we aren't going to give it away. How much longer are you thinking of modeling?" Mandy ran an experienced eye over Jacob. "God, you still look eighteen. If you keep in shape, we can probably get another eight to ten years out of you."
    "I'd like to get into photography," Jacob blurted out. Nerves had him stumbling over his words, but he needed her to know he had future plans. He didn't want to model forever.
    Jacob shifted restlessly beneath Mandy's silent gaze. Her opinion mattered to him. For most of his teenage years, and all of his young adult life, she'd been like a second mother to him. A smoky, perfume-infused mother, but at least she didn't do drugs like his real mother. That reminded him it was time to call his birth mother again; her birthday was in a few days.
    Jacob wasn't in a rush to stop modeling, but he could feel the burnout coming. His frantic schedule spanned the globe, eating away at his energy and nerves like a river eroding rock. Jacob had nightmares one day a spot would wear through and there would be nothing left of him. He wanted to leave the industry while he still had good memories of being a model.
    Mandy leaned forward, resting her hands on the desk. "How about we make a deal? I figure I owe you since you've been one of my main breadwinners for the past ten years. You're the loyal type, and I appreciate it. You could've dropped me for a higher profile agent years ago, but you didn't. Stay booked with me for three more years and I'll make sure you only work with photographers willing to show you the ropes. That way, when you finish your modeling, you'll have something to fall back on. I like you, Jacob. I can't honestly say that about all of my models. I've never once had a client say a word against you, and your percentage of repeat business is outstanding. That last shoot you were on was with the meanest man in the business."
    "Paulie?" Jacob couldn't hide his surprise. The gray-haired man had been a little surly, but Paulie had a quiet sense of humor. They'd shared more than one lunch eating sandwiches and laughing over stories of his grandkids.
    Mandy laughed. "I think you're the only one who calls him Paulie. Everyone else calls him 'that scary bastard'. He not only called me personally to say he wanted you to model for him at Fashion Week, but he added an extra outfit so he had something suitable for you to wear."
    "Wow. That was sweet of him."
    "That's what I'm saying!" Mandy shouted. "He's not sweet. No one thinks he's sweet! He hates everyone except his family, and apparently you. When I sent Gregor for a shoot, he called and told me he never wanted that arrogant bastard on his set again, and asked if I knew he had a crooked nose."
    Jacob laughed. Gregor's nose was perfect. The man was stunning even if he was a jerk. More than once the two of them had competed for the same ad campaign; Jacob always won, which only added to Gregor's animosity towards him. Unlike other models Jacob worked with, he'd never warmed up to Gregor.
    Mandy was still ranting.
    "He sent back fifteen of the twenty models I thought would be perfect for his show."
    "But you found him guys, right?" Jacob didn't want Paulie's show ruined.
    Mandy sighed. "Yes, I found him guys, girls too. That is my job," she reminded him with a frown. "But you're

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