Miss Mary Is Scary!

Miss Mary Is Scary! Read Free Page B

Book: Miss Mary Is Scary! Read Free
Author: Dan Gutman
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school. My parents even let me use their video camera so I can make my own movies. We’re going to put them on YouTube.”
    â€œYou should make a movie about MissMary,” said Michael. “It could be a horror movie.”
    â€œYeah,” Neil said. “She looks like a vampire.”
    â€œMaybe she really is a vampire,” I whispered to everybody. “Did you ever think of that? She dresses all in black. She wears black makeup. She’s got a pet bat. She even eats blood pudding!”
    â€œWow!” said Ryan. “I think you might be right, A.J.!”
    â€œStop trying to scare Emily,” Andrea told me.
    â€œI’m scared,” said Emily, looking all worried.
    â€œMiss Mary probably lives in a cave and sleeps hanging upside down from the ceiling,” I said. “Then she goes out atnight and bites people on the neck and drinks their blood.”
    â€œWe’ve got to do something!” Emily yelled, and then she went running out of the room.
    Sheesh, get a grip! That girl is such a crybaby.
    â€œI like vampires,” Andrea said. “I saw this movie about a vampire. He was really handsome, and all the girls fell in love with him. He looked a little like Zack.”
    â€œWhy would girls fall in love with a guy who bites them on the neck and drinks their blood?” I asked.
    â€œBecause he’s cute!” Andrea said. “Like Zack.”
    â€œYou think Zack is cute?” I snorted.
    â€œArlo, I think you’re jealous!” said Andrea, all smiley.
    My face started to feel warm.
    â€œI am not jealous!” I told her. “If you ask me, Zack looks more like a zombie than a vampire anyway.”
    â€œOooooh!” Ryan said. “A.J. is jealous because Andrea thinks Zack is cute. He must be in love with her!”
    â€œWhen are you gonna get married?” asked Michael.
    If those guys weren’t my best friends, I would hate them.

I Love Dirt
    The next day, first thing in the morning, we had show-and-tell. I brought in some of my Matchbox cars. Ryan brought in a model plane he built from a kit. Andrea brought in her parents’ video camera that she uses to shoot movies.
    â€œOkay,” Mr. Granite said after show-and-tell was over. Now we can finally get to our math lesson. Turn to page twenty-three.”
    But we didn’t get to our math lesson. Because at that moment, guess who climbed in the window?
    â€œZack!” shouted Mary.
    â€œMary!” shouted Zack.
    â€œNot again !” shouted Mr. Granite. “Don’t you ever use the door?”
    â€œI love you!”
    â€œI love you, too!”
    Zack and Miss Mary started smooching, like always. Ugh, disgusting!
    â€œThey are so romantic!” said Andrea.
    â€œHey, I finished writing my song,” Zack told Miss Mary. “Do you want to hear it?”

    â€œPerhaps you can sing the song after school is over,” suggested Mr. Granite. “We really need to work on math.”
    â€œI want to hear Zack’s song now !” whined Miss Mary.
    â€œSo do we!” all the kids shouted.
    â€œIf you don’t let Zack sing his song,”Miss Mary told Mr. Granite, “I’m going to tell Daddy you’re a bad teacher.”
    â€œSing the song,” Mr. Granite said, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead.
    â€œYay!” everybody cheered.
    â€œCan I film you with my video camera?” Andrea asked Zack.
    â€œSure!” he replied. Then he started rapping:
    â€œI love dirt! I love dirt!
    I love dirt! I love dirt! ”
    Zack motioned for us to chant with him….
    â€œI love dirt! I love dirt!
    I love dirt! I love dirt!”
    Then he started rapping:
    â€œNow, some love Ernie,
    and some love Bert,
    And some love Big Bird;
    but I love dirt!”
    We all chanted:
    â€œI love dirt! I love dirt!
    I love dirt! I love dirt!”
    Then Zack started rapping again:
    â€œNow, some love dinner,
    and some love

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