“Show me you want me and I’ll make it worth it,” Leanna said, giving his member a tight squeeze.
She turned to leave and when she reached for the door, she heard Kent clear his throat.
“What time should I be there?”
“Noon. Bring whatever you want. I don’t judge.”
“I don’t want to wait until tomorrow. You said we’ve been doing this dance forever so let’s do it.”
“Yes. Right now. Hell, I don’t need a hotel, Leanna. Just stay here with me.”
Leanna could here the want in his voice. She could here she was pulling him in. Good. This is what she wanted for it to be his choice. That was true seduction, not just getting in his pants, but getting in his head.
“Fine, meet me at the hotel today. At noon, but we drive separately. No games, Kent. If you let me down that’s it. You will be alone. I’ll cancel my plans.”
“I’ll be there. Wear that dress. I like it.”
“Yes sir,” Leanna said, offering a mock salute.
She crossed the lawn with an extra pep in her step. A pang of guilt hit her, not about Jennifer, but for making Kent went. Poor guy was about to come all over himself, but it was the only way to maintain her field of power. Leanna knew this was usually where women messed up. They get the slightest sign of interest from a man and then they give the man all of their focus and change all of their schedules with no compromise on the man’s side. To keep it sexy and interesting for both of them Leanna had to keep the push and pull going.
Chapter 3
Leanna felt like a woman out of the movies in a sexy, short dress, heels and checking into a hotel under a fake name. Well, somewhat of a fake name. All of her cards said Leanna Casandra Thomlinson, but she convinced the clerk checking her in to call her Cassie. Cassie sounded so much sexier than Leanna made a casual glance around the historic lobby with traditional southwest décor and enormous glass chandeliers hanging above her head on delicate chains. It was something straight out of a low budget James Bond movie, but Leanna was giddy. She was forty and always played by the rules. Leanna followed the formula, but it did not work the way society promised her. She went to college, got a four-year degree, and married her college boyfriend. Then they got a mortgage in the whitest community in Connecticut and had a beautiful, healthy son. However, the mortgage was often being paid late because the dual income home was now single income and the husband now the ex-husband and the beautiful baby boy was now a handsome absent-minded man and the college girl was now single and forty and hornier than she had ever felt in her life.
“Room 309, Cassie. Thank you for choosing the West End Estates. Have a wonderful stay,” said Mark the hotel clerk
Leanna aka Cassie smiled and nodded, taking the electronic key and headed to the room. Leanna had no bag, just a purse full of condoms and a family sized bottle of lube. Kent was still not in the lobby, but Leanna was not ready to give up just yet. It was still early. She had fifteen minutes. The elevator rose in silence, not even the courtesy smooth elevator jazz.
When she got the room she dropped her purse on the floor, and started pacing. Kent promised not to let her down. Leanna froze. There was a rap at the door.
Leanna took a deep breath and walked over to the door. Kent was standing with his hands on the pocket of slacks and the white buttoned-down shirt he was wearing looked crisp white against his tanned