eyes in annoyance. Lilith giggled at him. “Lilith, there will come a day when you annoy me so much that I kill you.” “Is that day today?” Shadow couldn’t help but laugh. “Unfortunately, no. I don’t have time right now because I’m LATE FOR MY GODDAMN MEETING!” “So that’s a yes to helping me kill my sisters later?” “Yes. Fine. I’ll be back here in a few hours. Now get the hell off of my horse.” Lilith leaned in and kissed Shadow on the cheek before hopping down off of his horse. “Thanks, Shady. Have fun at your top secret meeting.” Shadow shook his head at her and rode off.
Shadow met Baal outside Dagon’s Bar. He dismounted and Baal frowned at him, waiting for an explanation for his tardiness. “Sorry, Baal. Got held up briefly… something I couldn’t avoid. Have they shown up yet?” “No. I’m not sure that they will. Leviathan is still recovering and Vixen was severely injured the last time she fought me. She still hasn’t gotten much better.” Baal grinned but then his facial expression became one of concern as he noticed what Shadow had attached to his belt. “Look, I know that one day you’ll become the major demon of murder but coming here with two scythes was a vain and stupid thing to do.” “That’s funny. I never thought I would get a lecture on vanity from Baal. Are you also the major demon of hypocrisy?” “Watch your tone, Shadow. You’re still a middle demon and a fairly new one at that. You don’t want to destroy the feeble truce between our departments.” “I need to be ready in case we have to fight. They need to know that I have both of these and that I can wield them.” “Well Astaroth may demand one of them when she shows up. She has been officially named the new major demon of inaction.” “Interesting. None of the male demons in the department challenged her for it?” “Plenty of them did. She killed them all. The Dragon made her appointment official earlier today. I hear she plans on continuing in the war started by Asmodeus and his league of lazy assholes.” Shadow smiled. “Baal, you don’t like any of the other major demons, do you?” “No.” Dagon emerged from the front door, wiping his greasy hands on a dirty rag. “General Baal and Lord Shadow. Glad to see you both made it. There are some pretty foul rumors floating around right now that both of you are dead.” Baal stepped forward and shook Dagon’s hand. “It’s been a long time, old friend. Thanks for letting us use the VIP room as a neutral location to discuss terms. I don’t think Hell can survive the war that those idiots started.” Dagon shifted nervously. “Yeah… um… speaking of the other major demons…” “Yes?” “They got here before you and they’re already upstairs.” Shadow’s eyebrows arched down and a low growl echoed in the back of his throat. He pushed past Baal and Dagon and entered the bar. He hung his cloak near the entrance and made his way upstairs. He kicked the door open and saw Lucian grinning at him. “Shadow, this meeting is for major demons. I guess you didn’t put two and two together, but the department of murder hasn’t had a major demon since I killed Cain.” “That’s funny, Lucian. I’m not a major demon and yet I killed Asmodeus and I wield a scythe just like the rest of you. Two of them, actually.” Lucian looked at Shadow’s belt and the grin left his face. “I demand you hand the scythe of Asmodeus to Astaroth. Right now, Shadow.” “Actually, Lucian, I don’t need Shadow to give me a scythe. The Dragon already did that. He had a new one made for me.” Shadow looked over at the new major demon over inaction, Astaroth. She wore dark green robes and had dark hair. Her eyes were the color of emeralds. She wore a dead snake that was eating its own tail around her neck as a necklace and Shadow thought he saw snakes slithering in and out of her hair. He definitely saw them