that would give them an advantage to deter the vampires. Dr Lenzo was a knowledgeable man. He had served in the VCA for roughly two years, eight months of this in his capacity as Chief. Starting out very young, he was one of the few who had an in-depth commitment to ridding humanity of the ‘newly’ discovered undead plague. He had carried out assault infiltrations into the vampire community in his younger days and his passion for extinction of the blood thirsty had not waned over the years. It was his research alongside Dr. Mabel’s at the Special Research Institute, SRI , years back that discovered that vampires rarely sucked on the blood of their victims but rather lapped it up. The injury caused to their victims by their bite very rarely clots the blood due to the presence of the enzyme, draculin in their saliva which ensures the blood remains free flowing. They also figured that they injected their victims with some potent narcotic in their bite which makes their victims drowsy and too weak to fight back. As opposed to popular belief based on judgments from their looks, they found that vampires are powerful and even the very old ones would surprise an unwary hunter. Their feeble look had nothing to do with their physical strength. They could jump out of dormancy into a full-fledged attack against their victims unlike how bears and other animals behave from hibernation. It was also common knowledge that they had a great sense of smell, almost seven times that of a typical human being. They were also known to have heightened hearing ability and as such could hear and figure ones approach before the person even knows they are there. This made it very impossible to sneak up on them, which mostly left the VCA team with waiting on them in ambush.
On getting back, Dr Lenzo had his team set up their hideouts from where they can effectively monitor the surrounding area. They had a drink of coffee while the tired workers retired to their beds. They soon settled into their positions. Armed and bright eyed, they waited. After hours, it seemed there would be no signs of any of them. Then it happened; they saw one who was obviously the lookout. It moved cautiously and peered into the space before it. The hunters who were wearing their infrared heat lens could see it approach even in the dark. The device was effective in figuring whether a body approaching is a human or an undead. The device was developed many years earlier when scientists figured that the body temperature of vampires was just about 67 degrees Fahrenheit as opposed to 98.4 obtainable in humans. The infrared heat detector therefore showed a distinctively different image color shade when the body under examination was viewed through it.
They soon saw three other vampires appear from the dark behind the first one. The first vampire was by far the youngest of the four. The curve of its back was less prominent and its color was not as pale and transparent as the rest of them. It would have to be around 35 years old when it was converted. After him was the Alpha male of the clan which looked leaner than the rest, also significant was a pronounced curvature of its spine as evidenced by a more protruded curve on its back. They run a meritocracy , and the most successful among themselves assumes the leadership role. An Alpha usually is the first in a clan, converting its other victims whom it finds fit into members. It is the alphas duty to ensure it picks capable hands to hunt with and this is also not an easy responsibility as picking a weakling will put the clan open to attack and hunger while choosing one that turns out more capable than him/her would amount to a threat to his position as the Alpha of the clan. A group of four vampires is normally the ideal number that makes up a clan which is no surprise that there were just four of them. Four was the safe number for defending themselves, hunting and feeding. The average human blood content is about 5.4