do when she learns the Americans are not fond of titles?”
Hannish drew in a long breath, slowly let it out and stared out the window. This was not turning out the way he planned, and he was grateful when his sister stopped talking. Another two bends in the road and the vast lawn, unfinished gardens and the mansion came into view. At last, the carriage stopped in the front. Hannish stepped out and then offered his hand to his sister.
As he expected, housekeepers, Sarah and Charlotte, and cook Halen stood in front of the mansion waiting to greet them. He walked McKenna up the marble stone walkway, and then stopped in front of the three American women he had grown very fond of. He tried not to notice Sarah’s disappointment when he introduced the woman on his arm as his sister and not his wife. “Mrs. MacGreagor stayed in New York to do some shopping. She will come later.”
“ Very good, Sir.” Sarah watched the newly arrived Scots climb out of the wagon. They looked very tired, especially the two older women with gray hair and dark circles under their eyes.
McKenna couldn’t seem to take her eyes off the enormous Mansion. Concerned, she looked over the staff and then looked up at the Mansion again. “Shall these be enough to tend such a large place?”
“ If not, we shall find more. There are two more lads and their wives living in cottages in the back. The lads tend the horses and the grounds.” Hannish turned his attention to his American butler. “Prescot, see the Scots are settled and that they rest before dinner. We shall all eat together in the dining room this night.”
Prescot was taken aback. “Servants in the dining room, Sir?”
Hannish smiled, “Just this once. If you dinna tell, none will hear it from me.”
Prescot returned his smile, hurried up the last step, and opened one of the large double doors. He did not see the look of great displeasure on the Scottish butler’s face. Prescot previously worked for a distinguished eastern family, was a man of medium stature, with a kind face and a no-nonsense attitude. His dark hair and eyes often attracted the attention of the women, but he had yet to find the one of his dreams.
Uncertain what he should do, the English butler finished helping the women out of the wagon and then decided to help the men unload the baggage. Once the women were all gathered, Sarah led them around the corner of the mansion to the side door the servants would be using – all except Sassy, who was determined to stay close to McKenna. She followed her mistress through the front door, and ignored Prescot’s obvious disapproval.
The spacious foyer protruded from the northern side of the mansion and once inside, Hannish found his sister’s speechless expression rewarding. She slowly turned to admire the high ceiling and then the large blocks of white marble on the floor. Fresh flowers in marble vases sat on a long, thin marble table in the center of the room. Marble slab window seats had been placed just under the sills of tall windows that let in plenty of welcoming light. “‘Tis glorious,” McKenna whispered.
“ It needs a spot of color, but I thought to leave that to Olivia’s taste. A painting or a tapestry should keep it from looking so lonely. The coatroom is through that door and I keep a loaded gun in it, just in case. The parlor is this way.” He ushered her through the wide opening into the next room.
Behind him, Keith set two traveling cases down and watched Sassy. He could hardly keep his eyes off her as she too slowly turned all the way around to admire the foyer. She had dimples in her cheeks when she smiled, which he found very appealing, not to mention her auburn hair and bold blue eyes. When she finally looked at him, her eyes seemed to completely captivate him and he could not look away. Yet there was a problem; she looked to be only thirteen or fourteen, far too young to think of marriage. Reluctantly, he went back out the door to see what more