most likely culprit.” She gave him her most saccharine smile. The one she saved for obnoxious customers. “And it certainly isn't anticipation. More like stalking ."
The look in his eyes morphed into pure lust. Too late she realized if keeping her distance was the plan, pushing this man was a bad choice. He would take it as a challenge. There was an aggressive air to him, along with a look of command. It was obvious he was not accustomed to being questioned. Or disobeyed. Obedience had never been her strong suit.
He smiled at her, and her stomach dropped. Sex with him would be mind blowing. She just knew it. He seemed to be reading her mind as he took her elbow and led her out of the store, turning towards her bar.
“I think we should discuss that a bit more privately,” he said in a lust-thickened voice.
It was a short walk. She was blinking in the bar's dimness before she even considered the implications of what she was doing. It was only five, and the place was still empty. The after work crowd would be drifting in within minutes. And she was about to have sex in her office. Excitement coursed through her and her pussy grew damp.
Before she could form a protest, Darius steered her towards the door in the back, dragged her inside, and shut the door. The lock clicked. There was no chance for her to put distance between them now. He backed her against the door, the hard length of his body pressed against hers. And oh my, he was hard . Every inch of him.
He nudged her feet apart and nestled his erection against her belly. His hands shackled her wrists next to her face.
She didn't like aggressive, domineering men. She liked a sexual give-and-take on an equal playing field. But this man had her blood heated and her heart pounding in anticipation, to use his word. She struggled to figure it out and briefly wondered if she could get away.
He must have seen it on her face.
“Oh no,” he muttered, leaning in. “I've waited too long to taste you."
It was not at all what she expected. He nipped her shoulder, feathering kisses to her neck and the erratic pulse beating there. His tongue traced the line of her jaw before finding her lips. Gently he pressed his lips to hers, his tongue following the curve of her bottom lip. The kiss was so sweet, she sighed and opened her mouth for his exploration.
Control was just an allusion. Though the kiss was almost languorous, his hands were joined hard with hers, his erection grinding hard against her hips. They'd just started and she was wet and ready. She would be ripping his clothes off if he weren't holding her so immobile.
God, she was sweet. He reined in his urge to plunge into her and tried to slow his racing heart. He wanted her memories of their first time together to be explosive but gentle.
Where the hell had that thought come from?
He hadn't been gentle a day in his life. But she didn't strike him as the type of woman who enjoyed loss of control. He was sure she would adjust to him, but he didn't have time to wait. His more logical side fought with his animal side for power. Logic lost.
He released her hands to pull the tank top over her head. She was wearing a plain white cotton bra with a front snap. The only thing sexy about it was the woman wearing it. It had to go. Maybe he could get her in red lace some day soon. Her nipples hardened under his gaze, and with a touch he released the snap. She had delicate high breasts with small nipples and peach colored areolas. Beautiful . He could look at her all night. But first he needed to taste her.
He sucked one of the hardened tips into his mouth. She groaned, inflaming his blood more, and cradled his head in her arms. He wondered if she was always so responsive. No, best not to go there . Feeling a rush of jealousy, he tightened his grip on her. The past couldn't be changed, and she was his now.
His tongue trailed to her other breast, while his deft fingers unsnapped her jeans and tugged them down her thighs.