make you happy. Study hotel management like you’ve always
You’re only young Rosie, and I know that you absolutely hate to hear
that but it’s true. What seems tragic now won’t even be an issue in a few
love, rosie
years time. You’re only 17. You and Alex have the rest of your lives to catch
up together . . . After all, soul mates always end up together. Silly Bethany
won’t even be remembered in a few years time. Ex-girlfriends are easily for-
gotten. Best friends stay with you forever.
Take care. Tell Mum and Dad I said hi and that I’m still looking for
myself but may have found someone else in the process. Tall, dark and
handsome . . .
chapter 5
Dear Ms. Rosie Dunne,
Boston College thanks you for your application to study Hotel Manage-
ment with us and we are delighted to inform you that you were successful in
your application . . .
from :
to :
subject :
Boston here I come!
I GOT IN!! Boston College, here I come!!! WAHOOO! The letter just
arrived for me this morning and I am soooo excited! You better not move a
muscle, Mr. Stewart, because I am finally coming to see you. It’ll be great,
even though you and I won’t be studying in the same college (Harvard is far
too distinguished for the likes of me!) But I think it’s just as well because I
don’t think we can really afford to get suspended again.
I’m so excited. Are you???! E-mail or call me as soon as possible, I’d call
you but Dad put a block on long-distance calls as you know. Mum and Dad
are so proud, they’re calling all the family to tell them. I think they’re hoping
I’ll be the first Dunne child to go to college and actually finish the course.
Dad keeps warning me not to go trying to “find myself” anywhere like
Stephanie did. By the way it doesn’t look like Steph is coming home anytime
love, rosie
soon, she met some chef that works at the restaurant she’s waiting at and
she’s “in love.”
The phone hasn’t stopped ringing all day with congratulations! Paul and
Eileen from across the road sent over a bunch of flowers for me which was
really nice. Mum’s getting the house ready for a get-together tonight, just a
few sandwiches and cocktail sausages, that kind of thing. Honestly Alex, the
house is buzzing! Kevin is happy I’m leaving so he can be even more spoiled
than usual. I’ll miss the brat even though he never talks to me. I’ll miss Mum
and Dad even more but right now everyone is just so excited I’ve been accepted
to think about the fact that I won’t be living here anymore. I’ll deal with it the
day I wave good-bye but in the meantime we’ll continue to celebrate!
Love, Rosie
PS: One of these days I can run a hotel and you can be the
doctor-in-the-house who saves the lives of the guests I poison in the restau-
rant . . . Oh this will all work out wonderfully . . .
from :
to :
subject :
Re: Boston here I come!
This is brilliant news! I can’t wait to see you too! Harvard isn’t too far
away from BC (well in comparison to being a whole ocean apart—can you
believe Harvard accepted me? It must be the intellects’ idea of a hilarious
joke). I’m too excited to type, just get over here! When are you coming?
from :
to :
subject :
I won’t be over till September, just a few days before the semester starts
because I have got so many things to sort out you wouldn’t believe! The debs
are at the end of August, will you come over for them? Everyone would love
to see you and I need someone to go with! We will have so much fun and we
can annoy all our teachers. Just like old times . . . let me know.
from :
su bject :
Cecelia Ahern
Of course I’ll come home for our debs, I wouldn’t miss it for the world!
Where r u??? I’m waiting at airport. Me and dad have been here for hours. I
tried ur