in the facility, you're jerking yourself off while you're sucking him, and if you're still not done by the time he's come down from the afterglow, he'll sometimes lend you a hand.
His name is Wilson, and you guess he's your first boyfriend. Not that either of you would ever call it that out loud. He's got a longer sentence than you, and on the night before you leave, you kiss him, and he lets you for a while, but then he pushes you away. When you suggest that he gives you a call when he gets out, he asks you what for, and you don't really have an answer.
You're out in time for your sixteenth birthday. It's supposed to be a big birthday, you know, supposed to be about getting your license and maybe even a car. But you can't really get your license, not when the
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family only has one car and your stepfather says you can't use it to practice, or to take the test. You think about saving up and buying your own car, but you've got better uses for what money you can find.
You're hanging out downtown one day, just killing time, and there's a demonstration or something, really peaceful, but there's cops there anyways, just to keep an eye on things. You don't like cops; it's nothing personal, but they're the enemy, and it never pays to forget that. But there's a couple of them on horseback, and the demonstration is calm so they're just standing there, and they look bored and the horses look bored, and you find yourself drifting over towards them. When you're a couple feet away, the closest horse looks at you and then lifts his nose in your direction, and you lean forward and exchange breaths with him, and he shifts his weight and leans towards you a little.
The cop notices, but he doesn't seem to object, so you take a step closer. The cop's keeping an eye on you, and you appreciate that. There's all sorts of crazies out there who like to hurt animals, and it's the cop's job to keep his horse safe. You wonder what it would be like, to do the cop's job—being responsible for an animal and at the same time being required to bring that animal into situations where it could get hurt. You think about asking the guy about it, but it seems like a weird question, so you keep your mouth shut.
After a couple minutes, you hear the cop asking if you're okay, and you look up. You realize that you've worked yourself around so that you're almost hanging off the horse, his head over your shoulder and bent to nuzzle your hair, your shoulder under his throat and your hand up high on the other side. It must look like the two of you are making out or something. You back away and apologize, and say you're fine. The cop smiles and doesn’t seem upset, but you're turning away and hurrying off, and you're careful not to trip or do anything that would make you look stoned or drunk. You're still on probation, and even though you're not stoned, for a change, cops have been known to make things up and there's
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no point looking for trouble.
You get kicked out of another school, for non-attendance and being stoned in class. Your stepfather has a field day with that one, wants to know why you would go to school when you're high, when you don't go any other damn time. He wants you to get a job, says that you're obviously not going to get anywhere with your brains so you might as well start trying to get somewhere with hard work. He's in sales, plumbing supplies, and your mom suggests that he might be able to get the guys at the warehouse to find a job for you. He laughs in her face. He says he doesn't want to be seen in public with you, much less introduce you to the guys at work.
You've never really been sure what he objects to about you. He seems to know you're gay, although you're not sure how. You don't really hide it, but you don't flaunt it, either, don't act swishy or bring guys home, or talk about guys. You don't talk about anything, really, not with him, not if you can help it. But