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It Really is a Wonderful Life
disappeared behind a mask of stone. “You said your name is James Paul Sullivan?”
She squared her shoulders. “I’m quite capable of filling out a form, but thank you for the offer.” She turned around and steamed like an engine toward the main room.
What had he said to offend her?
But if she never spoke to him again, it might be for the best. Although he was attracted to her, this was not the time for him to date anyone. He had far too much uncertainty shrouding his life right now.
On to matters at hand, Sullivan.
He sauntered into the audition area of the main room, surprised to see Dorie sitting next to Zeke, whose mound of flesh spread over a kid’s chair like melted mozzarella. Why would a girl that cute be with Zeke? Jamey’s conscience seared with his unkind thought, perhaps prompted by a bit of jealousy given Dorie’s hasty retreat a moment ago. Zeke was a good man with a heart as big as his frame. Why shouldn’t he have a girlfriend as pretty as Dorie?
Dorie plunked into a child-sized chair next to Zeke. The nerve of that Jamey Sullivan, flirting with her after sending her a rejection letter. It had to be the same name as on the letter. Midville was a small town. He’d seemed cute, though, especially his smile. He reminded her of Emma’s Cowboy Bob doll. She clicked her pen and began filling out the form as if it were a job application. She’d completed at least twenty of them since moving to Midville. Name, address, phone number - these she could handle. The second part asked for availability times. Easy. “Whenever,” she clucked as she wrote the single word in the large space provided. Some people in Midville must have a life.
Zeke glanced her way and said, “You talkin’ to me?”
“No, to the Man Upstairs, but sometimes I wonder if He’s home.”
Zeke laughed. “Oh, He’s always home, but sometimes we don’t wait long enough for Him to answer.”
The next section asked for the desired part. She had watched the movie every year and could recite most of it verbatim. “Whatever.” She choked on her own saliva at the last section. “List your previous roles, including those with Midville Players.”
Discretion reared and flailed its hoofs. She should get her coat and leave now—save herself time, trouble, and terror. She tucked the audition form into her pants pocket, then sped toward the coat rack in the hall. That Sullivan man leaned against it like an appendage.
“Leaving already?” Understanding oozed from his inquisition, his eyes probing as if he understood her fear and was kind enough to skirt the issue.
Dorie pulled her coat from the hanger and draped it over her shoulders while he took a step back and crossed his arms. Something in his oval brown eyes, slightly hidden behind Ben Franklin-style glasses, hinted more than polite interest.
“Why don’t you hang around a little longer? If you’re in a hurry, I’ll tell Danny you have to be someplace and he’ll let you audition first.”
First? Please, no! “I’m not going anywhere. Just came out to get my coat. It’s a little chilly in there.”
Jamey smiled. “Welcome to the North Country. At least I’m assuming you’re not from here. I’ve lived in Midville all my life, and I pretty much know everyone in town.”
“I moved here in June.”
A flannel-jacketed man bustled into the hall. “Hey, Jamey, Danny wants to get going.” This guy had no projection problems.
Jamey raised his hand in acknowledgement. “Be right in, Dave,” he said, then turned to help her put on her coat. “Please stay. You’ll be glad you tried out. Our last production was Ten Little Indians . They cast me as the Australian because my British accent is the pits. Irish I can do, but no one will ever accuse me of being to the manor born.”
Dorie gasped. “Will I have to do an accent?”
“I don’t think so.”
Should she go or stay?
“Do you want me to give your form to Danny?”
Why did he have