that had recently graced the small town along the Virginia
Jackson walked towards his Harley-Davidson Iron 883, which
sat on the cracked concrete driveway of his one level home and smiled.
The Harley and its rider tore out of the driveway of
Jackson's home at around 4:30 PM. As he twisted the throttle, the bike roared
with the guttural, throaty sound that only a Harley-Davidson can produce.
Jackson's smile broadened as he accelerated through the late
summer air, his bike effortlessly weaving between the vehicles that crowded the
cobblestone streets of town.
Chapter 3:
4:22 PM- Friday,
September 8 th
Sumner, VA
Overall, it was a simple plan.
In fact, a couple of days ago Mohammed Fatal would have
called it foolproof. But that was before his boss had decided to develop a
The dark and well dressed assassin drove past the empty
guard house that stood before the main entrance of Carmike Chemical. The tiny
guard station was diminutive next to the hulking form of one of the largest
chemical distribution and storage facilities on the east coast of the United
His jet black eyes, shrouded by thick black eyebrows, peered
through the window of the too-small security checkpoint as he steered the black
sports car past the small white building and into the parking lot of the large
gray warehouse.
The guard was gone, as planned. The poor bastard had been
taken out by a team more ruthless than anything his six weeks of security
officer training could have prepared him for.
Of course, the guard hadn't been the only security measure
that Mohammed and his men had to deal with. In addition to the twenty-four hour
security guard, the chemical storage facility was surrounded by a twelve foot
chain link fence and numerous security cameras, motion sensors and other
passive alarm systems.
All were sure to have been deactivated by now.
The security cameras were off. The guard was dead. The gate
was open.
Mohammed's men had done their jobs well, so far.
He exhaled heavily. Despite the interference of his captive
former boss, Mohammed's carefully laid out plan had gone well. The only loose
end sat wheezing through her broken nose on the soft leather seat next to him.
He glanced at his former boss, "I thought I told you to
shut the fuck up."
The woman let out a barely audible whimper as Mohammed
steered the vehicle through the parking lot of the chemical storage facility.
He gave himself a moment to survey the gray concrete
chemical storage warehouse as he piloted the vehicle towards the south parking
lot. The 1970's era building was solid, despite its desperate need for a paint
job. And while the large gray building may have appeared poorly maintained,
Mohammed knew it to be a state of the art warehouse facility, one that housed
chemical elements of all types and varieties.
Some of the chemicals housed in this facility required refrigerated
storage and others carefully controlled humidity. The huge warehouse provided
all of the requisite environmental control as well as security for these
volatile and expensive chemicals.
As he steered the black Mercedes through the parking lot,
Mohammed smiled a grin that did not touch his eyes. Many of the chemicals
stored in this simple looking warehouse could be deadly if they fell into the
wrong hands.
He was about to ensure that some of the most volatile would
indeed end up in the wrong hands. His.
The handsome assassin peered once more around the almost
deserted facility, his eyes darting quickly around the empty parking lot. His
joyless smile broadened.
The truck was here, on time as instructed.
It seemed that despite the minor setback that he had
encountered when Ms. Winters decided to turn rogue, the plan that he had laid
out during the operations briefing was still on track.
The black German sports car rolled forward as Mohammed
stepped on the accelerator. The vehicle took up position behind a large yellow
truck which stood idling twenty yards beyond the