have a chest freezer and a pantry area. While I wouldn’t categorize us as preppers we have been slowly collecting food and other items for emergencies. Caleb has taken to inventorying our supplies and organizing everything. I’m happy he is interested and taking ownership for this area but it means that I can’t find anything anymore. One benefit is that I can tell him to get whatever I need and don’t have to search for it myself. For the rest of the morning I work at moving things around to make room to build more shelves and set up a reloading area. The past year has seen such an increase in price and scarcity of ammunition reloading only makes since. It’s also a skill the boys may need sometime in their lives. -—————————————— Monday morning….at least it’s not three. Four forty five is a decent time to get up. Work goes easy when there is no commotion in the house. Early hours are quiet and today I even forget to turn on the news and I lose track of time ‘till I hear Christine moving about upstairs around eight. That means that she will be behind in her work and the kids will need to get started on their school quickly. I should have waked her an hour ago. -—————————————— By three thirty Caleb and I are outside picking things up that are laying in the yard and putting them in their proper places. Jesse makes it out within a half hour. The conversation quickly turns to how well each item being put away would work in killing zombies. I let them watch a zombie movie last night so they have been thinking zombies all day. With two boys and the surge in popularity of the undead over the past couple years the subject of conversation around our house often turns in this direction, so much so that we have started analyzing the different presentations of zombies in movies and popular culture. We even look at real-life zombie occurrences like that guy in Florida eating someone’s face. This not only gives Caleb and Jesse time to use their imagination but also gives me time to help them with critical thinking. Let’s face it, movies and TV shows have represented zombies over a wide spectrum. Some can run, most can’t. Some can talk, most can’t. Some can be killed like a living human but often we see that they can only die by a shot or blow to the head. What is true…..more specifically what could be true? “Would that bamboo staff really be a good zombie weapon?” I ask Jesse as he swings a six foot length of bamboo around his head. “It could, if you sharpen the end so you had spikes…then you could jab them in the eyeball.” he answered. “And it would be light.” Caleb added. “OK, could work. You’re not going to club them with it, not enough mass to do damage but as a spear…. You’d have to have good aim or they would have to move slowly.” I say. “Zombies do move slow.” was Jesse’s response. “Most zombies in movies do but what kind of zombies could there be if a zombie apocalypse really happened? Would they be dead people coming back to life?” I ask. “Probably not.” he said. “But they could.” was Caleb’s addition. “Yeah. Have you seen what makes zombies in movies?” I ask. “No.” they answered. “Often it’s a virus or something unexplained that causes a fever then kills the person. Then a portion of the brain sparks and they come back. It’s not all of the brain but just a part that controls the most basic urge, to eat. If it’s explained that’s about all that’sand that’s how most zombies are portrayed.” I said. “But they can see and smell.” said Caleb. “You saw that one last night, where they smell people?” I ask. “And they can hear.” added Jesse. “Yeah, see, hear and smell. But apparently don’t feel pain…..What system controls the senses?” I ask. “The nervous system?” answered Caleb somewhat tentatively. “Yeah. So if they can hear and see and smell