been tickled by his delayed ejaculation problem, which on that particular night cursed him with a ninety-minute erection, causing the pressure in his lower half to build to such an excruciating level he feared his testicles would burst. Despite his agony, the insatiable girl refused to let him jump into the cold water.
“Considering all the sexual harassment rumors Renee has spread,” Jordan muttered to his grandfather, “I’m lucky she didn’t file false charges against me after I canned her.”
“In that case, Hannah’s perfect.” Edward jabbed a finger at the résumé Jordan held. “Especially with the reputation you’ve earned since your date mouthed off about you at the Christmas party.”
Most men would sell their souls to be publicly proclaimed a world-class stud. Which simply made Jordan’s protests seem hollow and phony. But other men didn’t share his dark, shameful past that, if ever exposed, would make him an even bigger laughingstock than he already was.
“Did you know Kurt Preston received a copy of that Calder Love Machine cartoon the employees were e-mailing to each other?” Edward asked.
“Great. So I guess the son of a bitch is trying to convince the rest of the board not to let me assume your seat as chairman next year?”
“Exactly. Having a sweet girl like Hannah sitting in your outer office will go a long way toward changing your image.”
As Jordan scanned the page listing Miss Oliver’s impeccable credentials, a needle of guilt pricked the sexist corner of his conscience. Her fashion sense had nothing to do with her administrative skills.
Still, what kind of idiot hired a woman his grandfather dragged in off the street? “Where’d you meet her, anyway?”
“Right outside in the garden.”
“Oh?” Jordan narrowed his gaze. “That explains it.”
“It wasn’t like that. She had no idea who I was.”
“And yet she convinced you to bring her up here.”
“She’s no gold-digger,” his grandfather insisted. “Most young women won’t even talk to an old codger like me, let alone share their goodies, which, incidentally, are better than your grandma’s.” He pulled a bag of cookies from his pocket and tossed it on the desk. “Try one.”
Whew! For a moment there, Jordan thought his grandfather had been speaking metaphorically about sampling the woman’s so-called goodies .
Whether the cookie-baking secretary was a femme fatale or not, his grandfather hadn’t been this enthralled with a female since they’d lost Jordan’s grandmother twenty years ago. It was good to see a spring back in the old boy’s step.
“What have you got to lose by giving her a chance?”
Good point. Unless the woman’s résumé was a gross exaggeration of her ability, she couldn’t be any worse than the amateurs he’d had botching everything up the last few weeks. On the plus side, no one would ever believe he’d sexually harass a mouse like her. And he seriously doubted she was bold enough to try to seduce him like every other female in his life.
Still, her interest in his grandfather could be a problem. The paradox between Hannah Oliver’s sexy feet and the rest of her suggested there was more to her than one would guess.
Jordan sucked in a breath to ease the strange ache that gripped his chest at recalling the uncertainty in the woman’s huge eyes. “Forget it, Gramps. I’m not crazy enough to hire someone simply because she reminds you of Grammy.”
“It would’ve been nice if Edward had told me he used to run the whole damn company,” Hannah mumbled, flopping into the seat in front of the computer.
Or at the very least, he could’ve paused outside the office door long enough for her to read the plaque that must have indicated it was the CEO’s office. Of course, if he had, she probably would’ve run the other way.
Sure, she’d been a great office manager at Kevin’s accounting firm. But executive assistant to the head of a major corporation? Could she