nodded. “I owe him my life. I'd do anything for him. Even now.” He tried to ignore the look on Bethany's face. Her expression had dropped slightly. She was disappointed he didn't tout her wondrous person.
“We all would,” Chris agreed. “Beth,” he said as he turned towards her. “Just because we lost a brother doesn't mean you aren't still protected by the club. If anyone—” His gaze turned towards Johnny slightly. Just enough for the message to be conveyed. “Tries to destroy or disrespect you or the memory of our brother, he will face the wrath of all of us.” His arm spread wide to showcase the rest of the brothers that were sitting throughout her living room.
“Absolutely,” the guys agreed and eyes turned towards Johnny as he nodded in agreement.
He wanted to reassure her. To tell her later that he thought Dan was amazingly lucky. That he was growing fonder of her every day. To make her smile and know that she had nothing to worry about. But that would be wrong. And bad timing. And, well, just wrong.
The pizza was done, but it didn't brighten her spirits. She'd listened to their conversation. Probably something she shouldn't have done.
The guys thought she was amazing. Which made her feel good. But she didn't. He hadn't responded. Well, he did. But about Dan. She'd stood there silently and waited to see what he had to say. Nothing. He'd said nothing. At least, nothing about her. She wasn't his reason for being here. Dan was.
And that made her sad. Johnny had been Dan's best friend. And through the past few weeks as he'd been around, he'd become her best friend by proxy. She wanted him to like her. She wanted him to think she was amazing.
But he didn't say a word. And the disappointment that filled her also left her feeling guilty. It wasn't right. None of it was.
She pulled herself together and smiled as she walked through the doorway.
“Come and get it!” The cheer in her voice was as fake as the smile. “It's even edible,” she teased, so that things would lighten up with Johnny. But he didn't notice. He just stood and walked into the kitchen without even shooting a glance her way.
And Bethany slid down onto the sofa and tried to keep from letting the tears fall from her eyes.
“I'm impressed,” he tried, hoping to poke fun at her. But it seemed to be a failed effort. Johnny had noticed the sadness in her eyes from the time she'd come out of the kitchen.
Sure, she smiled for the guys. But he could see it. Something was wrong bothering her and he'd lay odds it was the finality of having Dan's stuff moved.
Johnny knew he shouldn't have had her there while it all happened. She needed to be somewhere else. Not watching as they carried what was left of her husband to another place.
“It wasn't too bad,” she managed to get out. She was trying hard not to cry and he wanted to tell her it was okay if she needed to. But he knew better. She'd never cry in front of them.
“We should probably all get out of your hair and let you relax for the night,” Johnny offered. He hoped that if he took the guys out, she could let herself feel.
It'd been hard on him. Seeing the stuff they carried out. Knowing that it was final. Dan wasn't coming back. He'd damn near wanted to cry himself. All that kept him going was trying to be strong for Bethany. She needed it. She needed someone to help keep her together.
But he'd failed, obviously. So he was going to make sure she at least had the night to allow herself to feel what she was feeling.
“Okay,” she murmured. If he hadn't known better he'd have thought she was disappointed by the idea of them leaving. It couldn't be, though. He knew that she hated trying to pretend she was okay all of the time.
The guys all stood and gave her a hug. She thanked them for all of their help and walked towards the door with them. When her arms wrapped around