Dayne’s side every moment during the trial.
They were a hundred feet from the courthouse when the swarm of media caught wind of Dayne’s arrival. In a rush they pivoted and aimed their cameras. A few nicely dressed newscasters stepped in front of the others, large booming microphones in their hands. The bigger the network, the more likely they were to use his last name.
“Mr. Matthews.” A heavily made-up blonde stepped into his path. “Is it true you want the judge in this case to make an example of Margie Madden, and is it true-?”
“No comment.” Joe took hold of Dayne’s elbow and straight-armed a path through the crowd. “Excuse us.”
“Dayne.” It was a photographer shouting from a few layers back in the crowd.
“Tell us about the associate. Where is she? Isn’t she supposed to be-?”
“She’s already here.” Joe’s answer was loud enough for most of them to hear. It was part of the plan, that he would discourage the press from sticking around and waiting for Katy.
The photographer raised his hand and shouted again, “Does she still work with Dayne and in what capacity, since we don’t have a name on her and-“
“No comment.” Joe kept up his pace. He pulled Dayne along, leaving no room for responses. Dayne sort of liked the help. Maybe if he had Joe around more often, the paparazzi would leave him alone. Ee stifled a grin at the thought.
The crowd parted easily, and Dayne did his best to look straight ahead, his expression serious. The press would have their requisite plxotos and footage-Dayne Matthews, Hollywood star, coming to court to give testimony on the crazy stalker who tried to kill Ms associate. None of them really expected more than that.
Other than passing glances and whispered comments, Dayne and Joe weren’t approached again as they entered the building and took the elevator to the eighth floor. Dayne stopped for a minute and looked out the window across the hazy Los Angeles scene. Somewhere out there Katy Hart was back in his city, making her way to the courthouse. Her visit was all he’d been able to think about since Christmas.
“This way.” Joe took the lead and headed toward a room at the end of the hall.
They were met by a sharp-looking woman who appeared to be in her midfifties. She introduced herself as the prosecuting attorney. “We have a xoom set up for you.”
She gave them a businesslike smile. “Follow me.”
The attorney explained the proceedings as they walked down another hallway, but Dayne did little more than give an occasional nod in her direction. Joe would handle the details. All he had to do was tell the story while the prosecutor tape-recorded it. For now he could let his mind wander, let himself think about Katy..*
He hadn’t heard from her since opening night of Annie, but she was there when he woke up and when he lay down to sleep. The past few months had been the loneliest of his life. Not that he hadn’t had offers. He was in the middle of filming a romantic suspense film opposite Angie Carr, a dark-haired beauty with 5
exotic looks and a penchant for her leading men. They’d met at several functions but never starred in a film together until now.
On the first day of filming she had poked her head out of her trailer and called to him. “Dayne, come here.” Her eyes danced, and her smile held the pout she was famous for. “I have a question.”
He was in the middle of three things, including a conversation with his agent.
But she was his priority as long as they were still establishing chemistry for the film. He jogged to her trailer, stepped inside, and closed the door behind him.
She stood facing him, dressed in nothing but a transparent negligee. “Hi.” She took a step closer. “I need your opinion.” Another step. “Will this work for the bedroom scene, the one at the beginning of the film?”
He swallowed and put his hand on the trailer door. “I thought the script called for a nightgown.”
She pushed out