her lips in a pout most men would have found irresistible. She played with a lock of her hair, dropping her chin and looking beyond seductive.
“You don’t like it?”
“Yeah, well…” He let loose a single chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck.
“The film’s PG-13, so I’m thinking something less see-through.”
She grinned. “Oh, well.” One more step and now she ran her finger down the length of his arm. “It works for right now, anyway.” She nodded toward the set crew outside. “They’ll be busy for an hour before they need us.” Her face was so close he could smell the mint on her breath. She dropped her voice to a whisper.
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted to practice a love scene with you, Dayne Matthews?”
He gritted his teeth. “Angie, listen …” She was stunning, but so what? Did she want him to take her right here on the trailer floor? And if he did, then what?
They’d pretend to be hot lovers for a few weeks, and after that he’d be lonelier than ever. Some
thing else too. The peace he’d found in Bloomington wouldn’t last if he went back to his old ways.
With gentle hands, he framed her face and drew her close. Then he kissed her forehead. “The film calls for a few kisses-that’s all.” He searched her eyes.
“We’ll have time to practice later, okay?”
She could’ve gotten angry, but she didn’t. Instead she took a few steps back, making sure he had a view of her full frame. “I’ll look forward to it.” She tossed him a confident smile as if to say she wasn’t giving up that easily.
“Dinner tonight?”
Since then, Angie’s attempts had been relentless, just short of desperate, but he’d managed to keep his distance and still build chemistry with her. Working with her had its benefits. She was a professional, brilliant on the screen and fun off it. But she made him.feel empty and plastic, the way all of Hollywood made him feel lately.
He was glad for a day off now, and never mind that he’d spend most of it here in a Los Angeles courthouse. He would’ve looked forward to a day in jail if it meant seeing Katy Hart again.
The attorneys were still talking as they reached a door at the end of the hallway. Dayne glanced at his watch, then toward the elevator. Katy would be here in fifteen minutes.
“This is perfect.” Joe opened the door and led the way into a small room. He looked at Dayne. “You ready?”
“Perfectly.” Dayne felt a sudden rush of passion toward the job ahead. The stalker had cost him much. This was his chance to get back at her.
The prosecutor followed them inside. “The deposition doesn’t start for twenty minutes.” She checked the clock on the wall. “I’ll grab coffee and be back by then.”
“I’ll come.” Joe set his portfolio on the desk and nodded at Dayne. “Want anything?”
“I’m fine.”
The attorneys left, and Dayne took one of the seats. In the 7
silence he could almost hear his heart beat. Would Katy still have feelings for him? Would the electricity, the emotions that had existed between them still be there after they’d been apart so long? He tapped his fingers on the table. The minutes couldn’t drop off the clock fast enough.
He should’ve brought his Bible, the one Katy had given him. That would’ve passed the time. He had been reading it lately, taking in a little more of the message every night. Not that he was ready to hit the nearest church or claim himself born again, the way some of his athlete friends had done recently. But the God of the Bible was the same God claimed by his parents, the Baxters, and Katy Hart. Because of that, He was the same God on Dayne’s mind more often now.
He was about to step outside and check for Katy when he heard a knock. The attorneys would’ve come in without waiting, so maybe it was …
He stood and opened the door, and before he could take another breath he was looking into her eyes. The same clear blue eyes he’d connected with from the