became the Vaun after my Grandmother was taken.” He hesitates from sad thoughts. “And I became the Vaun after my mother was taken.”
“Your family has so much tragedy,” Grandma says, “I understand your desire to not let anyone close, I do. Just understand my desire to have my family prepared.”
Rick walks to the light switch on the wall. He looks to Grandma. “Ask him your questions.”
Grandma watches the room darken. Her Fearling Shanawl appears standing beside her. “Wow.” That is all Grandma can say at first as she stares at the large shadowy image that is Sevol fading into vision beside Rick. “Wow.”
It is eight years after Grandma and Tom were taken. Rob, his son James and his son’s eight-year-old friend Stewart are in James’ room. It is dark and the Fearling Kynar is present. He just answered Rob’s question.
“He will?” Rob asks. He doesn’t like the answer and is a bit surprised by it. He really thought it would skip a generation. “James is going to have a Fearling?”
“I knew it,” James says. He is excited and he is not trying to hide it. “Will I meet him tomorrow?”
Kynar looks down at the child and answers in his quiet whispery tone. “Yes.”
“No,” Rob argues. He is not happy. He does not want this for his son. “No. That’s not how it works. It skips every other generation. It does, that’s what it does.”
“No,” Kynar says. The shadowy image takes a step back and watches as Rob reaches for the switch.
“I am not happy Kynar ,” Rob says, “I did not want this for him.” He turns the light on and Kynar fades from vision. He looks to his son and Stewart. Both have big smiles on their young faces.
“Dad,” James asks, “Why did you do that? He was telling me about my Fearling.”
“I’m sorry,” Rob says, “James, Stewart; I was not ready for this. I am going to go talk to your moms’.” He takes a breath as he speaks words he thought he would never have to speak.
“You will meet your Fearling tomorrow.” He leaves the room and walks downstairs to the kitchen where his wife and Julie sit at the table talking, the meal getting cold.
“How are they?” Ann asks. She knows that her husband is nervous about their son turning eight, about him potentially becoming a Vaun. “Are they nervous?”
“I know Stewart isn’t,” Julie says. She doesn’t want James to be a Vaun but she also has learned from experience that they have to be prepared. “He can’t wait and is praying that James is a Vaun. I told him that it normally skips generations.”
“Not this time,” Rob interrupts. His tone tells the ladies to listen, that his upcoming words are important. “ Kynar says that James has a Fearling and that he will meet him tomorrow.”
“What?” Ann keeps her cool but she wants to make sure she heard her husband right. Rob nods and she knows that she did hear him right. Her worst fears come true. Her son is a Vaun and now he will have a Fearling. She has many thoughts. She cannot control them and she starts rattling them off one after another. “He’s not going to the Gathering. He’s not. He’s too young and it’s too soon. And what does that mean? Does that mean there will be two Fearlings, not just Ekabar ? Does that mean that two of them can attack us?”
“Baby,” Rob says. He sits next to his wife. He sees that she is trying to remain calm but is slipping. “Hey, we will handle this. As far as the gathering is concerned, he will be fine and trust it is never too soon to learn. In this case the sooner the better. It is a good thing that Rick and the Professor are coming to his party tomorrow.”
“Do they have flashlights?” Julie asks. She is always worried when she leaves the kids alone but now with this new information she is even more worried, “Lights and candles on?”
“Yes, and they have flashlights,”