me one favor?”
He leaned back in the swing, kicking back his feet in his cowboy boots. He sighed and took a sip of his beer. “You know I’d promise you almost anything.”
I curled into him, smelling his cologne and man scents. I was starting to calm down after the meeting from hell. Now I knew what the more artistic members felt every time they drew the short straw to represent. “Now, that’s what I like to hear.”
I felt his chuckle under me. “Speak your piece, woman, the meat’s almost done.”
“If you get an invitation to speak at the Business-to-Business meeting from anyone but me, tell me about it. I looked like an idiot.” I hated the way Sherry had preened around him after the meeting. Yes, I knew she was dating someone. It still ruffled my feathers even if Greg swore her attention annoyed him.
“You’re not good at holding in your feelings, that’s for sure. Anyone who saw your face knew you were ready to blow a gasket.” He tilted my head toward him so I could see his. “You know that feeds into her ego, right? Sherry always has to be the one in the spotlight, for good or bad reasons.”
“Like the over-the-top meeting that was more like a party?” I sank my head back into his chest and ran my fingers up and down his tan arm. “She hired massage technicians, for God’s sake.”
“And the group loves her for it—for a day or two. Then she’s going to expect an outrageous favor and when they say no, she’s going to blow up on them. Believe me, Sherry can’t be nice for long. Not anymore.” Greg kissed the top of my head and stood. “Those steaks are done. Ready to eat?”
As we carried the food into the kitchen and sat down to eat, a thought occurred to me. “If this is out of line, say so, but why in the world did you marry her?”
Greg shrugged, cutting a bite off his steak. “I thought the package was worth the cost. I learned real early I was wrong, but I didn’t know how to get out. I took vows. And until she broke them, I felt obligated.”
“You’re lucky you got out. You’re too nice to put up with that kind of person.” I pointed at him with my fork. “Hell, you’re lucky you got me. I’m a gem. You should treasure me.”
He laughed. “You’re a pistol, that’s for sure. I’m not sure I’d call myself lucky, though.”
My lips pursed. “What would you call it then?”
“I’m determined and hardheaded. Two characteristics that work in my favor in our relationship.” He took a sip off his longneck, watching me closely. “You sure you want to talk about us?”
Fear of the unknown stopped me. We’ve been a couple for less than a year now. Maybe this conversation was too early. “Not really. You ready for dress rehearsal tomorrow?”
Greg groaned. “Seriously? I thought you recast my character?”
“Not a chance. If I have to act like a twenties flapper, you can be my mob protection.” Aunt Jackie had started this whole production with Darla. Now we were having a mystery dinner theatre at South Cove Winery next weekend. The Friday Mystery Reader’s group had written the mini play, cast the characters, and were selling tickets. Proceeds supported a local woman’s shelter.
Tomorrow was our first run through. Then we’d have a few days before showtime.
“I might have to work tomorrow evening.” Greg bent his head down over his plate. “And next Saturday, too.”
“Wrong answer, buddy. You’ll be next to me on that stage and you’re going to act like you are enjoying it.” I stood and retrieved the huckleberry cheesecake from the fridge. “Besides, I’ve already picked up our outfits from the high school. Did you know they did a production of Chicago last year?”
“Maybe we should ask the drama club to take over mystery theater?” Greg brightened. “Did you talk to their coach?”
“No, Darla’s determined to play the speakeasy madam. I don’t think she’d let someone step in now.” I held up a piece of the dessert. “You