their sex: Hard-hearted harlots teasing and tawdry Shrewish and shrill save for one who was sweet. Faces all false all painted with promise But rare was the woman who was truly fair. Skin soft as sighing cool cream in color Feathered with freckles. Henna’d her hair Shining like sunset all dappled with shadow. Eyes light with laughter lovely as lapis. Lips sweet with smiling your fair flower-mouth Is palest of pinks and all petal-perfect. Your lips curve with kindness calling for kisses. Fair Felicia!
Silent the sceop. Hushed is the hall.
Wrathful was Wheaton full fury did fill him His hand held the haft of his strong-shafted spear. His thanes they restrained him and spoke of the land-law That none could slay sceop for telling of tales. So Scalzi the Screedling was banished and banned. His arms they did grant him and also his armor And four days of freedom to take leave of the land. ••• Rocks rose around him the road was in ruin But Scalzi was stoic as he strode the stones. Though weariness wore him and hunger and hurt, Braved he the barrens the high hills of Harrow. Armor all war-worn he bore on his back The weight of it woeful but barely a burden Next to the heaviness hardening his heart.
Fleeing the wrath that the Wheaton king bore him Scalzi had traveled for five days and nights. Southward he sped to Samarand’s safety Tomorrow his tramping would be at an end. Long were the leagues he had stretched out behind him Four days of freedom had lengthened his lead. Still Scalzi strode on to Samarand’s border For he knew the swiftness of King Wheaton’s steed.
Cresting the hill Scalzi saw Samarand Lush were the lands that he gazed on below. Then heard he behind him full feathered wings stirring While beneath the bass of a murderous mewing Came the thunderous thrum of Proud Petrifax purring.
His sire had been Kestran King of all Kitten-Kind. Of the line of Lesandre upon whose broad backs Rode the lords of Leaydan feared for their felines Proud Persians all but now lost to legend Save for the splendor of this single son.
Fleeing was folly so Scalzi the sceop Gave one longing look down on sweet Samarand. Then brought out his broad axe great Grimnir gleaming Forged from the fire at the dawn of the world. Weapon of Wodemar fiercest of fighters But crap at canasta so Scalzi had skinned him And won the brave blade with a cut of the cards.
Wise Wheaton’s spear shone like gold in the sun The face of damned Doramun bold on his breast Straddling his steed the king called a challenge While Petrifax paused and purred low in his chest.
Brave was their battle in the high hills of Harrow. Harder than hammers they struggled and struck Their fury so fierce it shattered the stone. Petrifax pounced his pummeling purr Rang on the rocks as his hard horn decended But swift as his wit was the strong arm of Scalzi The bright blade of Grimnir flickered and flashed When the king of all kittens did buckle and bleed.
Mourning his mount the king gave a cry. His spear like a thunderbolt bitter and bright. All down the mountainside sounded their strife And Wheaton the Warrior spilled Scalzi’s life.
Sly Scalzi sharp tongue bloody and broken Silently slid from the shaft of the spear. Wheaton stood staring fast fading his fury And loud he lamented what his wrath had wrought. The king bent to embrace him while Scalzi the Sceop Spoke to him softly the secrets he kept. Of love for Felicia