Christmas Healing

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Book: Christmas Healing Read Free
Author: Jasmine Bowen
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biggest sandwich. She didn’t immediately pick up on the fact that he was a vampire until they were introduced. Vampires could eat, drink, walk in the sunlight, mimic breathing and even make their heart beat, if they chose. Legends were full of telltale signs, but many of them just didn’t exist.
    “ Annalise, this is my youngest brother, Brock,” Gregory said, as they shut the door behind them. “Brock is recently awake from Torpor after 100 years, so he’ll be joining you for some of your later lessons.”
    It was a comment, not a question, that she would be acquiring this extra student with the mischievous grin. She nodded, holding out her hand.
    “Hi,” she said, although it wasn’t very friendly. Brock, to her surprise, took it and kissed it.
    “My pleasure. She’s a pretty one, Gregory.”
    “Perhaps you can get to your lesson on etiquette sooner rather than later,” Gregory said to Annalise, but glared at Brock.
    “Uh … sure,” she said, following Gregory as they stepped past Brock. From the door on the left, raised voices came in a language that Annalise didn’t understand. Gregory immediately pushed the door open.
    Inside, there was a girl a little older than Annalise, with jet black hair and almond eyes, her hands flying in explanation and annoyance. Annalise had taught the Hevers sarcasm and tone long enough to understand, even if the language was foreign to her. She appeared to be yelling at the missing link between the three brothers. Arthur was tall, and broad shouldered. Although only a year younger than Gregory, he looked more aged, with longer hair and a thinner frame. His eyes were wide as he responded in the same language, his limbs rigid with fear.
    “ Arthur!” Gregory said, trying to get his attention, and they both turned, looking at the visitors for the first time. Arthur’s head swiveled to Annalise and his nose twitched. She knew he was smelling her infected blood, the taste of non-tempting human, a strange sensation. He took a tiny step back, and in that moment, her heart almost broke.
    Here she was, having flown across the country in comfort, not blinking twice at the planes or cars or cell phones. The Initials had no reason really to hurt her or kill her. All they wanted was comfort for their brother who looked ready to expire from fear at any moment. Her eyes softened, and she took a small step, her hand out. She missed home, and she wanted to go back as soon as possible. However, that didn’t mean that she couldn’t at least try to talk some sense into this one.
    “ Arthur,” she said, softly, pointing to him. “Annalise,” she said pointing to herself, a Tarzan and Jane moment.
    Perhaps it was because Annalise was half a foot shorter than Diana, and 30 lbs lighter. Perhaps it was because her blood didn’t smell like a buffet, or her eyes weren’t jaded and fierce. Whatever it was, Arthur’s muscles relaxed, although he didn’t move from the spot. He said something in Latin, and Diana turned to Gregory with a smirk.
    “He says your law has gone soft, there are humans everywhere who know of his existence.”
    Gregory looked annoyed. “Tell him Annalise evokes the law of deliverance.”
    “What’s that?” Annalise asked, but Gregory waived his hand, indicating she should be quiet. The girl didn’t need to know that the law said that those dying would be allowed to know of their existence. She would be unmotivated then.
    “The Initials are the most feared and most irrational of all vampires. They rule by absolute law, and it’s built into all of us to obey. Sometimes they are reasonable, some of them more than others, but it comes down to the fact that, like a domesticated tiger, they can kill at any moment and not a thing could be done about it.”
    Tony ’s words echoed in her head. She had pictured them as animals, but they seemed so civilized here in the house.
    “Shall we get to it?” Diana said, clearly over whatever outburst Arthur had. “You only

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