Chance of a Lifetime (Anderson Brothers)

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Book: Chance of a Lifetime (Anderson Brothers) Read Free
Author: Marissa Clarke
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to making up for the lack of sight. She could tell where alcoves, alleys, and doors were from the sound of her cane taps rebounding off the buildings as she walked. She could even tell what material the walls were made of from the taps. Wood sounded different from glass, and metal sounded nothing like brick. She was good at predicting age and gender from footfalls in passing, and with her adaptive technology on her phone, she could use apps for location and even to identify objects.
    Before long, her new friend realized how well she functioned and backed off, treating her like a person, not a disability, which is exactly what she needed—especially in light of her parents and brother still treating her like she was helpless and hopeless. Something Chance had never done, which was why his betrayal had hurt so much.
    Fuck that. Fuck him . She inhaled a deep breath, taking in the familiar city smells. Car fumes, assorted food odors, and a tinge of garbage from the late-night pickup.
    Yeah, “fuck him” was right. That was the problem. That’s exactly what she wanted to do—what she’d wanted to do from the moment she knew what that word meant.
    By high school, she was hopelessly in love with her brother’s best friend. He was the only one who had ever treated her like she wasn’t blind. He let her go everywhere with him—to concerts, to movies, even on his family’s yacht. He’d never kissed her or acted romantic, but in her adolescent, romantic mind, that was because he was noble and polite. It wasn’t until later, after he’d disappeared without a word, that she realized the affection had been one-sided. If he’d considered her a friend at all, he would have answered her calls or at least said good-bye.
    Her cane skittered across a fracture in the pavement and she slowed. She’d been an idiot back then to think Chance cared. He was almost three years older and never saw her as anything other than a little girl.
    The pavement leveled out and she picked up her pace, sweeping her cane directly in front of her because of the number of people still out and about. It was one of the things she loved about living in New York City. She was never truly alone—which is how she’d felt for years after Chance disappeared without a word. And now, ten years later, here he was, probably still seeing her as that same little girl.
    A hot wave passed through her at the memory of his body against hers as they kissed. He certainly hadn’t kissed her like he thought she was a little girl.
    Fuck him, she growled in her head.
    “We’re here.”
    Cool air scented with baked waffle cone and fresh cream washed over Gen’s face as Sherry opened the door to the ice cream shop. Two beers and now ice cream meant an extra hot yoga class. Totally worth it, though.
    Before they reached the counter, her phone rang. No doubt about who it was. Even if it weren’t for the customized ring, she’d know it was her brother’s routine evening call. “Hi, Walter. I’m fine.”
    “Are you home?” It was silent in the background, which meant he was still at the office or at his apartment.
    “Why are you still out?”
    Angry prickles crawled up her neck. When would he realize she wasn’t a child? “I worked late.” No way was she telling him the truth. He’d probably threaten to withhold trust money.
    “Call me when you get to your apartment so I know you made it safely.”
    It was easier to agree than argue. Besides, she didn’t want another conversation with her friend about how she needed to deal with her big brother. “Fine.”
    She slipped her phone into her bag as Sherry ordered a double-scoop mint chocolate chip ice cream cone. Gen got her usual single scoop cup of double fudge delight.
    “So, what’s next on your list after kissing a total stranger—or is that a do-over since he wasn’t really a stranger?” her friend asked as they tucked into chairs in the corner.
    “No do-overs.” That kiss

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