“That is the molecule of ergotamine , a complex alkaloid found in ergot, and just one of the many such alkaloids contained in the fungus. The effects of ergotamine on the human system are wide and varied, but include vivid hallucinations, irrational behavior, convulsions and even death. Mankind has been using it as a poison for thousands of years. The ancient Assyrians used it to poison the wells of their enemies as far back as 2400 BC.”
“What was Ridley doing with it?”
Jacobs pulled up another screen. This one showed a molecule similar to the first, with one difference.
“What is M-Erg 2.6.3?” Duncan asked.
“An additive,” Jacobs replied. “Manifold altered the molecule.”
“What does it do?”
“We don’t know,” Jacobs said. “The lab is still analyzing it, but we’re having trouble separating it from the rest of the molecule.”
Duncan knew enough about molecules to know that even a tiny alteration could drastically change the characteristics of anything. Once you started fooling around with substances on a molecular level, anything was possible. Based on Manifold’s history, Duncan was pretty sure that whatever M-Erg 2.6.3 was, it didn’t help crops grow or fight off cancer cells. More likely, Ridley had intended to use it to further his own agenda.
“How about an educated guess?” Duncan asked.
“Well, obviously M-Erg stands for Manifold Ergotamine. The numbers probably refer to the version used, like in software. That means they’ve been working on this for a while, so its intended use was clearly defined somewhere in the database.”
“Given Ridley’s other works, he was probably trying to enhance the ergotamine. Most likely trying to make it more potent or volatile. Ergot has some medicinal uses, some of which carry over into Ridley’s genetic attempts at immortality. It might have something to do with his manipulations of the Hydra’s blood. Some of my staff theorize that he used the alkaloids to stop or stall the Hydra’s regenerative processes at different stages, which would help him to observe the changes and document them.”
Jacobs almost sounded like he was trying to convince himself of his own words.
“But you don’t agree, do you?” Duncan asked.
Jacobs turned his chair around. “No. I don’t.”
“Why not?”
“Well, it’s just that ergot is a potent substance already, and ergotamine is nasty stuff. Not only that, but there are plenty of other poisons, including several powerful neurotoxins, that can instantly halt biological activity, many of which are readily available to labs and don’t require any alteration. If you ask me, I think he meant to use this on people. Probably after building that ‘New World’ of his.”
Duncan shook his head. The revelation should have been shocking, but when Richard Ridley and Manifold Genetics were involved, shocking was standard operating procedure. “What would that do to people?”
“I don’t know. In its regular form, ergotamine is similar to LSD. Enhanced? Who knows? Maybe instant death or severe brain damage. Without the rest of the data, the only way to find out would be to test it on someone.”
“Let’s not.”
“So is this why you called me here? You could have told me this over the phone, Eli.”
“Not exactly. The weaponized ergotamine is bad, but it’s not the worst part.”
“It gets worse?”
“I’m afraid so.” Jacobs pulled a manila folder off the table and handed it to Duncan. “Read this.”
Duncan opened the file and started to read. Less than two paragraphs in, he felt the blood drain from his face. By the time he finished the first page and looked at the pictures, he had seen enough. He closed the folder and handed it back.
“How recent is this? Are you sure it’s not old data?”
“It’s dated two days before the raid on this facility. Ridley probably never had a chance to act on it since he was fighting off Sigler’s