was quickly made useless, as it was uncovered and filled with bodies. The Soterion column had managed to maneuver such that they threatened the flanks of the Drakoni line. The Drakoni fell back and began to try to make a formation using shields and pikes but a few of the Magi (who were dispersed throughout the armies equally) gathered and quickly scattered it by throwing toxic gas projectiles into their midst. As these Drakoni were taken down another two columns of their army surfaced from tunnels beneath the earth. Though the Drakoni did this time and again throughout the battle, it seemed that they were sending fewer soldiers each time. Still Omar was perplexed as to why they had not decimated the forces of the Drakoni. They just kept coming. Omar looked at the battlefield in awe, primarily at the lack of casualties on the side of the Kingdoms. A gust of wind blew hard allowing Omar to survey the beautiful site. The Magi had made a huge difference in the battle using science to confound the enemy. These Drakoni were formidable foes but not when faced with Magi sleight-of-science. Omar had dispersed his controlled cache of Earth and Soterion Weapons amongst the Magi. With decades of training, the Alexandros – the warrior caste of the Magi – had become masters of weaponry. Omar had a specialized rocket launcher attached to his shoulder. It was armed with rockets that could level a small village. This was his fail safe. Omar had made it so that he could flip a switch on his copper arm bracer and the gears throughout his outfit would set in motion to activate the steam powered weapon. So far it looked as though it would not be needed today. He used the advanced telescope in his monocle to see the armies of Soterion crushing the remnant of the Drakoni army. One person stood out amongst the chaos. Though he was in the midst of a crowd of Drakoni he moved quickly and Drakoni fell like dominos around him. There was a fluidity and grace to his fighting style that was almost like a dance. It felt familiar to Omar. He fought with a staff against swords and axes dropping his enemies with blunt force blows and then the man did something unmistakable to Omar. While hitting a Drakoni Overlord in the face with his staff it first glowed and then the end of the staff exploded into fire sending the Overlord reeling back clutching his neck where he had been struck. Omar knew that staff: he had made it himself. No, it can’t be… It is, it’s Myles! Omar had always been amazed and even intimidated at Myles’ uncanny ability to fight. After years of thinking that Myles had died, there he was on the field of battle. What he saw next sent his mind spinning. He’s teleporting! Myles was teleporting through the ranks of the Drakoni finishing them off once and for all. Omar counted in just a few minutes he had made waste of 52 Drakoni. Omar smiled at the thought of Myles. He always had some card up his sleeve that surprised Omar. He watched Myles take down enemy after enemy utilizing the teleportation skill showing his mastery of the ability to use it in battle. How did he find teleportation? Where has he been all this time? But all of these questions were lost in one moment. It had only been a brief second and a subtle move from a Drakoni that Myles had not seen as he teleported to one spot, the positioning was bad and wrong leaving Myles' back completely open to a Drakoni already turning from slaying a Gabad with sword in hand. Omar wanted to warn Myles but he was speechless, caught in the moment, and too high for Myles to hear him anyway. The Drakoni turned to see Myles taking down two Drakoni unaware of his presence. The Drakoni thrust the sword into Myles’ back and he fell to the ground. There was no way he could have survived that sword through the center of his body. He fell, lifeless. Omar yelled out, reaching his hand toward the battle field, “No!” But Omar’s attention was quickly drawn away from