to anyone hanging from a spike which had been driven into the base of his skull, while hisentrails hung out and his hands and feet lay on the ground before him.
He grabbed Lang and ran.
No one pursued him.
He stopped running once he reached cover.
He watched.
The soldiers shed their armor.
They had to be following orders. They didn't rape and plunder like foreign barbarians. They did what they were told, and only what they were told, and their service was reward enough.
The woman's screams ripped the afternoon air.
They didn't kill Tam, just made him watch.
In all things there are imponderables, intangibles, and unpredicatables. The most careful plan cannot account for every minuscule factor. The greatest necromancer cannot divine precisely enough to define the future till it becomes predestined. In every human enterprise the planners and seers deal with and interpret only the things they know. Then they usually interpret incorrectly.
But, then, even the gods are fallible. For who created Man?
Some men call the finagle factor Fate.
The five who had gone to the Hag's hut became victims of the unpredictable.
Tam whimpered in their grasp, remembering the security of his mother's arms when wolf calls tormented the night and chill north winds whipped their little fire's flames. He remembered and wept. And he remembered the name Nu Li Hsi.
The forest straddled Shinsan's frontier with Han Chin, which was more a tribal territory than established state. The Han Chin generally tried not to attract attention, but sometimes lacked restraint.
There were a hundred raiders in the party which attacked the five. Forty-three didn't live to see home again. That was why the world so feared the soldiers of Shinsan.
The survivors took Tam with them believing anyone important to the legionnaires must be worth a ransom.
Nobody made an offer.
The Han Chin taught the boy fear. They made of him a slave and toy, and when it was their mood to amuse themselves with howls, they tortured him.
They didn't know who he was, but he was of Shinsan and helpless. That was enough.
There was a new man among those who met, though only he, Chin, and Ko Feng knew. It was ever thus with the Nines. Some came, some went. Few recognized the changes.
The conspiracy was immortal.
"There's a problem," Chin told his audience. "The Han Chin have captured our candidate. The western situation being tense, this places a question before the Nine."
Chin had had his instructions. "The Princes Thaumaturge have chivvied Varthlokkur till his only escape can be to set the west aflame. I suggest we suborn the scheme and assume it for our own, nudging at the right moment, till it can rid us of the Princes. Come. Gather round. I want to repeat a divination."
He worked with the deftness of centuries of experience, nursing clouds from a tiny brazier. They boiled up and turned in upon themselves, not a wisp escaping. Tiny lightning bolts ripped through....
"Trela stri! Sen me stri!" Chin commanded. "Azzari an walla in walli stri!"
The cloud whispered in the same tongue. Chin gave instructions in his own language. "The fate, again, of the boy...."
That which lived beyond the cloud muttered something impatient.
It flicked over the past, showing them the familiar tale of Varthlokkur, and showed them that wizard's future, and the future of the boy who dwelt with the Han Chin. Nebulously. The thing behind the cloud could not, or would not, define the parameters.
There were those imponderables, intangibles, and unpredicatables.
As one, Chin's associates sighed.
"The proposal before us is this: Do we concentrate on shaping these destinies to our advantage? For a time the west would demand our complete attention. The yield? Our goals achieved at a tenth the price anticipated."
The vote was unanimous.
Chin made a sign before the Nine departed.
The one who remained was different. Chin said, "Lord Wu,you're our brother in the east. The boy will be your concern. Prepare
Tim Lahaye, Jerry B. Jenkins