tub. “No.” “I will let you dress. Then we can talk.” He turned around. I dried my body quickly and dressed it even faster. I threw my hair in a braid and then cleared my throat to signal I was finished. He spun around in one motion. Then he put out his hand to me. “Shall we sit,” he offered. “Don’t you think my mother will be upset when she finds you in here?” “She isn’t at the house. She’s gone down to tend to Carolyn,” he said, pulling out a chair for me. I sat and watched him sit right in front of me. The look on his face was one I hadn’t seen before. I couldn’t quite place it. “Oh. She doesn’t usually leave when I am bathing.” “I think they are both very angry with you.” “How do you know?” I asked. I was playing with my braid. Looking him in the eye was difficult for me. “I can see your father’s hand print across your face. And when I approached the house your mother smiled and left. It wasn’t a pleasant smile either. More like a devil may care smile. It was unnerving. I wasn’t expecting to find you bathing and I apologize.” “Um, well thank you,” I replied. Words weren’t my friends right now. They were getting harder and harder to use. “I just have to say, you keep that beautiful body hidden. Why do you do that?” he asked. “I was told being round was a sin and I should cover it up.” “I hate to say this as it is not polite, but isn’t something I would wish you to cover up. Your body is beautiful.” He adjusted himself awkwardly in the chair. I smiled and dipped my head down. People didn’t usually pay me compliments. I wasn’t used to it. “Go raibh maith agat, Tomlin.” “You’re welcome, Riona.” “I apologize. I just assumed you spoke Gaeilge.” “Tá beagáinín Gaeilge agam. I haven’t spoken it in years, but I remember some,” he said with a smile. “I get beaten if I don’t use it.” I hung my head. Admitting that was more painful than I had imagined. “I know.” He put his hand on top of mine. Instantly my body felt much warmer. There was something in the connection that happened there. “How?” “I have watched you for years now.” “Why?” “I’ve loved you for years. I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to tell you,” he admitted. He was nervously licking his lips and looking away occasionally. I couldn’t see anything but sincerity in his words and actions. He even picked at his nails as I did when I was nervous. I think my heart stopped beating for a moment. I couldn’t quite catch my breath. This couldn’t be real. I had to be dreaming. I pinched myself a few times, but he remained in front of me. “I’m really here. I’m really telling you that I love you. I really want you to be mine,” he said. “Why?” He put his hand on mine again. “Can you feel that?” “Yes.” “We are meant to be together. You have to trust this. There is so much more in the world then you know. If you would allow me I would teach you all that I know. I know Carolyn wants to help you too,” he stated. “Help me with what?” “Riona, you are a witch. A natural born one at that.” Blackness.
“Riona, love, wake up.” Something was causing a breeze to flow across my face. It was cold and felt good. My mind came through a little at a time. I could smell the bath water and the mud on his boots. When my eyes were finally ready to open I remembered why I fainted in the first place. Tomlin just told me I was a witch. “What?” My voice was groggy and weak, but I could see he had me in his arms and he was blowing on me. “Riona, are you okay? You fainted.” “I think there may have been a reason for that,” I laughed. “Now it’s funny? It was scary a minute ago.” “I can’t help it. This is a lot to process. You love me. I’m a witch. Carolyn’s a witch. I assume you must be one,” I explained. “You are right. We didn’t know you were until you touched the tree.