deep in barbarian lands without any clue of where to go. Lady Luck had touched her with that Right Hand, with this man’s timely presence; it was best if she returned the favor, or risk a whap from the Left. Smiling, she offered her hand. “Why not? Traveling alone gets rather boring, anyway.”
Elrik didn’t take the offered palm. Instead, he cleared his throat. “Well, then…we need to discuss my fee. I have some funds set aside for traveling, but a little income to supplement the journey would be nice. Say, a retainer fee in advance for my services? Nothing much, in case there turns out to be a prohibition against magic…but if nothing else, I suppose I could walk beside you, and stab any sand-demons that burrowed too close to you. I’m not the one who has to make a barefoot, weaponless pilgrimage, after all. There’d be a small charge for that once we get there, if you don’t mind me being mercenary about it, but lessened by the cost of the retainer fee.”
His audacity made her laugh. “No, I don’t mind. You have a right to make a living. And I didn’t read anything against there being any companions on the pilgrimage, though I should double-check that as well. Would a Moon a day on the journey there be sufficient to retain your services? Plus a bonus for any services rendered at the end of the journey, proportioned to the deed in question.”
Wrinkling his freckled nose, Elrik considered the offer. “I suppose that’ll do. It’s a field-laborer’s wage, and not befitting the complex, costly services of a mage…but it would get me to the Academy. And to the fabled city of Adanjé-nal. If you’ve been to Ijesh, did you also visit the capital? I’ve heard stories about its wonders. Buildings as tall as cliffs, waterfalls cascading everywhere, the Great Dome of the Imperial Hall…”
“I’ve been there. You’ll have a chance to see it for yourself, since that’s where my kin live. In fact, if you can help me resolve my family’s dilemma, one way or another, I’m sure they’d be happy to host you while you were in the area, as a thank-you for your assistance.” She flashed him a mischievous smile. “That’ll help save on the cost of an inn, which can be rather expensive in the capital. Deal?”
“Deal.” Now he clasped hands with her, accepting the bargain. “Shall we go inside and risk a meal together? I’m afraid all I have otherwise is journey bread.”
“So long as it’s been cooked thoroughly, I think we could risk it,” she agreed, smiling. “You can tell me about your adventures in Aben-hul while we eat. I’ve never gone there personally, but my twin has.”
Returning to the tavern, they commandeered a table in a corner and started talking. It was the dirty looks and grumbles from the sleepy patrons who were staying in the common room overnight, wrapped up in their cloaks wherever they could stretch out, that finally broke off their conversation some time later. Arasa found herself reluctant to stop talking with Elrik; he was both intelligent and widely educated, yet not full of his own self-importance. Barbarian or Imperial, that was a rare quality in a man. His politeness was also appreciated, for when she reluctantly rose, he gestured at the table they had been using.
“Why don’t you sleep up here? I can take one of the benches nearby.”
She smiled at the offer. “Actually, I’m sleeping out in the stables, tonight.”
His coppery brows rose at that. “Now, why didn’t I think of that? Do you think they’d rent me room in the hayloft, too?”
“I’m sleeping with my horses, not in the hayloft. But I’ll meet you back here for whatever passes for breakfast.”
“Ah. Then I’ll walk you to the stables,” he offered, rising to join her. One of the nearby travelers grumbled a little louder before resettling on his own table. Holding a finger to his lips, Elrik escorted her outside without further protest. The stable-yard was in some ways larger than the