Back To Our Beginning

Back To Our Beginning Read Free

Book: Back To Our Beginning Read Free
Author: C. L. Scholey
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overseas; they couldn’t possibly enter farther inland. The people were guaranteed a plan of evacuation was in place on the slight off-chance minimal destruction might occur. People wondered where they could be evacuated to. Where exactly was safe above or below ground with the high winds, lava, fires and severe flooding? In short, there were no assurances.
    “Shane,” Tansy said in an uneasy voice. He tightened his arms around her. “Will we be okay?” She looked at him as he smiled at her; she could see the worry etched in his troubled eyes.
    “Everything will be fine, babe, don’t worry.”
    Maddeningly, it had been his reply to everything for as long as she’d known him, twenty-one wonderful years. They’d met when he moved in with his family across the street from her when she was fourteen. That very day she’d been told by her mother she’d never have children because of an accident when she was young, too young to remember.
    She’d raced from her mother in a disbelieving frenzy to curl into a ball at the base of her favorite tree in a deeply wooded area. Weeping her heart out and crying at the unfairness of life. She’d always had high hopes of a fulfilling career, many children to love and nurture; she wanted it all. Now who would she share her dreams with, who’d share their dreams with her?
    “Everything will be fine,” said a deep, calming voice; an awkward hand patted her shoulder. A warm, large body sat next to hers. She looked over and stared into beautiful blue eyes full of concern. The young man then draped an arm around her shoulders. His blond hair ruffled in the warm summer breeze. He offered her an enchanting smile.
    “How do you know?” she whispered, captivated. His hand reached for and clutched her hand, pulling her closer.
    “Because I’m here now,” he replied. His voice so full of sincerity and truth she’d believed him.
    Love at first sight was an astounding occurrence. It was as if life stood still in the uniqueness of the event. The two became inseparable afterwards, spending every spare moment together. Everything had been alright for a time and then turned frighteningly wrong. At sixteen, Tansy became the mother of a miracle. One she would’ve liked a little later in life, though thankfully her parents were ecstatic, thinking they’d never see a grandchild. Emmy, short for Emily May entered the world at six pounds even.
    Her proud father, Shane, barely eighteen, acted like he’d done all the hard work, floating through the hospital corridors handing out chocolate cigars to complete strangers with the caption; It’s a girl , written in pink.
    Tansy was overwhelmed. She was never supposed to have children. Yet here she was, this pink squalling mass of...poop, spit-up, and some smell Tansy couldn’t seem to put a finger to. Although Tansy was elated at having a child, she was so young.
    Tansy looked at the baby a bit fearfully; the baby gave her a direct stare in return.
    “Don’t think I can do this, do you?” No response. Well, what did she amusing anecdote? “I can do anything,” Tansy answered her own question as her child nursed, and moments later mother and child formed an unbreakable bond.
    Looking at Shane in the dim light of the living room while the gas fireplace flickered invitingly before them, Tansy smiled. Shane was right, they were home, they were all together, safe. It was all she needed. Shane turned off the disturbing images on the television, arose from the couch; they locked hands and walked upstairs.
    They went to the first door and peered in. They smiled at Emmy, back for a visit from University. She was sitting comfortably, writing an essay in her easy chair, with her laptop. She smiled at them, blew a fast kiss then became reabsorbed in her work. Just starting her second year she was home for Thanksgiving. On the honor roll and having earned a scholarship, she was a bright young woman on her way to a bright future.
    The next,

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