off one. George Marron, a local EMT, rode the second machine with a stretcher in tow.
“What’s going on?” Rex asked. He took off his helmet and rested it on the seat of his ride. Rex was a tall, bald guy, handsome in an action hero sort of way.
“There’s a Santa in the snowbank,” I said, and chewed the inside of my mouth. “The doc there says he’s dead.”
“Stay here,” Rex said, and went over to the body. George followed with his EMT kit in hand.
“Rex is here,” I said into my phone. “Can I hang up?”
“Yes,” Charlene said.
I hung up my phone and put it back in my armband holder. Heavy Santa was still puffing beside me. I turned to him. “Are you okay?”
“Sure,” he said, and bent to put his hands on his thighs. “One too many drinks at the pub last night.”
I lifted my right eyebrow. “That’s probably what happened to him.” I motioned toward the dead guy. I watched as Rex, the doc, and George rolled him over. His hands and legs stayed in their bent and awkward positions.
“Anyone recognize him?” I asked, and stepped closer.
“No,” George said. “But he’s wearing a disguise.” He reached over and pulled off the fake white beard and Santa hat.
“I still don’t know him,” I said. “But he’s good-looking for a stiff.” My attempt at a joke fell flat. The dead guy’s eyes were open and devoid of life. Still, he was attractive. His oval face, light-brown brows, and long slender nose reminded me of the actor who played the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz.
“Has to be a tourist,” Rex said.
“Looks like he was bashed pretty good,” George said, and gently turned the head to expose the nasty blood-splattered indentation on the dead guy’s temple.
“Do you think it’s the cause of death?” I asked.
“Hard to say from here,” George said. “We need to take the body to the ME to figure that out.”
“Who found him?” Rex asked.
“I did.”
“She did.” The two Santas turned to me with curiosity on their faces.
“I’m also the one who called nine-one-one. These two jogged up while I was on the phone. Are you going to call Shane in to investigate the crime scene?” I asked, my heart full of hope.
“Charlene has him coming in,” Rex said. He straightened and gave me a squinty look. “Are you two still dating?”
“We took a break while I was in Chicago,” I said. “Why?”
“Convenient that you found the body and Shane is coming to the site,” Rex said a little too offhandedly.
“Oh, please! I’m not going to kill someone just to see Shane again,” I said with a frown.
“True love can make people do crazy things,” the gregarious Santa said, and waggled his eyebrows at me.
“I wouldn’t kill anyone,” I said, and put my hands on my hips.
“I’d suggest you don’t leave the island until we have this figured out,” Rex said. His blue eyes twinkled and I sent him the stink eye.
“I have a job I have to return to in a week.”
“Then you’d better hurry and solve the case,” George said with a wink. I scowled at him. It was difficult. His gorgeous copper skin and high cheekbones made for one heartbreaking man. Not to mention the long black braid that ran down his back. If I didn’t already have a thing for a skinny, brainy guy who wore glasses, I’d certainly be hanging around the island for the local EMT.
A snow machine pulled up and a man in a black snowsuit and helmet stepped off. He pulled his crime scene kit off the back of the machine, lifted his faceplate, and carefully stepped toward the crime scene. One look at that face and my heart went pitty-pat.
“Hi, Shane,” I said, and sent him my biggest welcome smile.
“What do we have here?” Shane asked, his expression impassive.
“One frozen Santa,” Rex said, “with a killer gash on his temple. The snow last night covered all the tracks. She found him.” He gestured toward me.
Shane’s gaze flicked over me as if I were of little interest. My heart