turned to a scared yelp as he charged back towards Abby. Abby moved away from the ship looking up startled as Bo raced past her toward the path leading back to her cabin. Turning towards where Bo had come from, Abby wondered what other wonders the storm had brought. “Well, what got your tennis balls stirred up?” Abby asked bemused. She was still in a daze at finding something so beautiful on her mountain. A groan from the direction Bo just ran from had Abby taking a step back. Zoran groaned as he tried to lift his head. He didn’t remember much about their landing. He knew he needed to get out, his body on fire but didn’t remember much but the fierce weather from the planet. He collapsed back down unable to move, the pain in his body overwhelming him. He knew he needed to get back to his symbiosis but didn’t have the energy. He could only hope the message he sent out to his brothers would be received as darkness once again took him.
Chapter 3 Abby bit her lip as she moved slowly towards the groan she heard. She really hoped this unexpected visit didn’t turn out to be one of those horror film/alien possession things. She knew the golden ship was not from Earth. It didn’t take a NASA scientist to figure that out. She just hoped curiosity didn’t end up getting her killed. Abby saw the figure laying face down in the damp grass. Well, if it was an alien, he sure had the figure of a human – a very big human. Abby wasn’t a shrimp at five foot eight but this guy had to be well over six and a half feet if he was an inch. Moving hesitantly until she stood next to him, she saw he had long black hair and was wearing some type of uniform. She couldn’t see what his face looked like because his hair was covering it. Stooping down, she gently brushed his hair back with her fingers letting them rest for a moment on his neck. She found a weak pulse. What worried her the most, though, was how hot his skin felt. The gold on one of her wrists moved when she touched the man, turning to a liquid and pouring down her fingers until it wrapped around the man’s throat. Abby was scared at first that it meant to harm him but then warmth flowed through her and she knew it wouldn’t hurt him. “I don’t know what you are but I don’t get the feeling you want to hurt him either.” Abby murmured under her breath. “Let’s see what our man looks like and what we can do to help him out.” Abby ran her hands down the figure looking for any obvious signs of trauma before gently rolling him over onto his back. She drew in a deep breath. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen in her life. He was also the most beat up man she had ever seen. How someone could hurt another being like this broke Abby’s heart. It just wasn’t right to harm another. There was blood in several spots on the uniform on both the front and the back letting Abby know the uniform had been put on over the injuries since it was not cut up. His facial features were not unlike a human. Abby ran her fingers over his face, gently touching the cuts above his left eye and cheek before moving down to his lip. He had strong, proud features. His nose was a little broader than normal and he had prominent cheekbones, much like the Native American Indians. His color was similar too with the darker tanned skin. She wondered what color his eyes would be; brown, blue, or almost black. Abby checked him over to see if he had any broken bones. She worried about his ribs, as even in his unconscious state he jerked when she probed them. She realized the only way she was going to be able to get him to the cabin was on a skid. Abby let out a whistle for Bo to come to her. He took off towards the cabin earlier but she saw him sniffing around the meadow again a few minutes ago. Bo wagged his tail as he came towards Abby keeping his head down and his eyes nervously on the still figure next to her.“Come on, boy. I need you to be a guard dog and protect our visitor until