Frey swallowed heavily. "I could take you, so that your day off wouldn't be wasted. I'm quite a spectacular guide."
Frey felt panic squeeze at his stomach. Go on a trip with Jørgen? Only the two of them, all alone in the wilderness of Svalbard? Andreas was smiling, looking like it was a perfect idea. Frey didn't want to say no, it would be rude when Jørgen had been so kind to offer. Frey never liked to be rude.
"Ok," he whispered, blinking rapidly.
"I've already talked to Karina about the horses," Andreas told Jørgen. "I'm sure she won't mind that I'm being replaced by her best mate."
Jørgen chuckled and Frey smiled slightly. He really liked Jørgen's smile. He was glad that they would be riding. Frey was more comfortable with horses than a snowmobile. And now that he was going with Jørgen... it was best to be on horseback, with a horse to take care of. If things got too awkward he could always concentrate on the horse.
But even if the panic squeezed his stomach tighter, he couldn't help but feel the butterflies fluttering nervously, in anticipation. Frey couldn't get himself involved with anyone in a sexual way, but maybe they could grow to be friends? Frey didn't have many of those, and having Jørgen as a friend... that would be good enough. Right?
Chapter Two
Frey was mixing dry food with liver paste for Kosmo when there was a knock on his door. Kosmo's ears perked up, but his eyes were firmly fixed on the bowl. Frey put the bowl on the floor and the little dog was all over it in a second.
Frey smiled at him then went to answer. His stomach knotted the closer to the door he got. He knew it was Jørgen on the other side. That it was time for their trip. He paused with his hand on the knob, then he took a deep breath and opened the door.
"Hi, Frey." Jørgen smiled at him and Frey's heart skipped a beat.
"Come in." Frey stepped back to allow Jørgen to come inside. "I'm just going to put on some more clothes, then I'm ready to leave." He hurried into his bedroom to put on the thick jumper he'd laid on his bed and an extra pair of wool socks.
He smiled nervously at Jørgen when he came back out. Jørgen seemed calm. He was leaning against the doorway of the outer door, looking around Frey's little flat with curiosity. Frey quickly wrapped his scarf around his neck and pulled a cap down over his ears. He pulled on his snowsuit and zipped it up, then bent down to lace up his boots. He grabbed his gloves next, then stood for a moment just looking at Jørgen.
"Ready?" Jørgen's eyes travelled down Frey's body, his friendly expression not changing. He nodded slightly, seeming to be satisfied with Frey's clothing.
"Yeah." Frey nodded to emphasise it.
"Where's your dog?" Jørgen asked, looking around again.
"Busy gobbling up his food," Frey said with a chuckle.
Jørgen's eyes moved back to Frey and there was something in them Frey couldn't decipher. But Jørgen just smiled and turned to open the door without a word, leaving Frey confused at the sudden emotion he had seen in his eyes.
Jørgen had driven his car over and Frey got into the passenger seat. They didn't talk much when Jørgen drove towards the horse centre; Jørgen was busy focusing on the road and Frey was busy looking out at the colourful houses they passed. He liked that the houses of Longyearbyen were painted in different bright colours. Looking at them instantly brightened his mood.
The horses were calm, steady animals. Jørgen seemed to be accustomed to horses as well as anything else here up in the arctic, but Frey felt a bit safer now, because he too knew his way around horses. Frey's mare, Skalm, dutifully did everything Frey asked of her and never once fought his control. Jørgen rode a gelding named Sleipnir.
"Are your friends into Norse mythology?" Frey asked, steering Skalm up to the side of Sleipnir as they rode towards Adventdalen, away from Longyearbyen.
"No, not really. Why?" Jørgen looked at him, puzzled.
"The horses have Norse