moved into the shadows heading for the landing area. His symbiosis was waiting for him there in the form of a space fighter. It took on the reflective surface making it invisible to all around it. It was only their connection that guided Zoran to it. Within moments, he was climbing into the cockpit of the Valdier fighter. With a wave of his hand, gold bands formed up his arms sliding under his skin until he was one with the golden creature. “Get us out of here.” Zoran murmured softly trying to hold onto consciousness. He was hurt much worse than he originally thought. He could feel the bones in his ribs rubbing against each other. The symbiosis glowed gold as it began rising out of the compound. Shouts and hisses erupted as the symbiosis lost its cloak of invisibility. Moving smoothly, the golden fighter rose and moved out of the compound at an amazing speed. Zoran knew he needed to stay conscious until he could find a safe place to land and let his body heal. Warnings sounded in his mind as Curizan fighters scrambled to pursue him. Zoran was not concerned as he knew as soon as they reach the outer obit of the planet his symbiosis could move faster than the speed of light. Focusing on using defensive moves to get away from the pursuing fighters, he gave the command for the symbiosis to plot a course to a quadrant unknown to the Curizan. He would never make it back to his own world in the shape he was in. He sent a message out to his brothers hoping they would receive it before he lost consciousness. Zoran gave the final command to leap as soon as they cleared the planet’s atmosphere. It was the last thing he remembered. Another bolt of lightning flashed before thunder rolled across the sky shaking the cabin walls from its force. The electricity went out over an hour ago and Abby lit a couple of candles to light the interior, although the way the lightning was flashing she probably didn’t need to. Bo had taken refuge under the bed in her bedroom. Every once in a while she would hear him whine and she would call out soft reassurances to him. Gloria was tucked up in the barn nice and safe. Abby hoped there wouldn’t be too much damage but wasn’t too optimistic from the sounds raging outside. She did what she could to prepare. Rain fell in sheets limiting the view outside to just a few feet. It was going to be a long night. Abby sat at the small table staring out the kitchen window when another bolt of lightning flashed. It was strange; but, she could have sworn there was something else in the thunder than followed. She caught a glimpse of something in the sky with that last flash. Bo whined again, this time coming out from under the bed to put his head on Abby’s knee. He still had his tennis ball in his mouth. Abby reached down and absently petted Bo’s head, scratching behind his ears. Sighing, Abby leaned over and dropped a soft kiss on the top of Bo’s head, “Come on. Let’s go to bed. Watching the storm isn’t going to make it pass any faster and I have a feeling there is going to be plenty of clean-up work to do tomorrow. Maybe we can find you a couple of sticks to carry back.” Abby stood up blowing out the candle on the table and picking up the one in the living room to carry with her into the bedroom. She brushed out her hair and changed into a pair of pajama pants and matching tank top that had little pictures of dogs on it. Climbing into the full size bed, she scooted over patting next to her for Bo to jump up. “You can help keep me warm tonight, big guy.” Abby whispered as she wrapped an arm around the soft fur snuggled up against her.
The next morning was bright as the aftermath of the storm seemed to clear away everything in its path. Abby sipped a cup of coffee as she walked down the front steps of the cabin. There were bits of limbs everywhere. A tree had fallen back behind the barn but it hadn’t done any damage. Bo ran down the steps and raced around the yard smelling