A Whisper To A Scream
    “Do I have a choice in the matter?”
    “Well, then. Just tell me when I should start
packing my things.”
    His father patted his arm and walked toward
the door. “Thanks for being so understanding, Son.”
    “No problem, Dad.”
    His father walked out of the bedroom and
closed the door. The way Adam saw it, Burton, Ohio would be his new
beginning. A new town, a new future. He would be stronger. He told
himself that he wouldn’t allow himself to succumb to the
temptations that had overcome him in the past.

Chapter 2: High school

    Katie Halston is the number one reason why I
hate high school.
    “Book job!” Her annoying, loud voice fills
the hall as her orange fist connects with my English Lit book.
    The mountain of books I’m holding topples
over and spreads out along the faded wooden floor.
    “Hey! Fuck you leather face!” I shout as she
turns her back to me.
    Katie sneers, glancing over her shoulder and
waves at me. She looks like her typical self, fake blonde, curvy,
overly tan. I once heard a group of jocks refer to her as sex on a
stick, whatever that meant.
    “Fuck who Miss Graham?” A voice squeaks
behind me.
    I cringe; sweep my books up off the floor,
and spin around to face Ms. Winkle, my first period English Lit
teacher. Sure, she appears to be a nice, sweet old lady on the
outside, but on the inside, she is vicious and lethal. A real
stickler for handing out detentions.
    Blood floods my cheeks. “No one Ms.
    I hear Katie laughing at the opposite end of
the hall and it takes everything in me to keep my mouth shut.
    “Well, you can think about not using that
naughty word in detention.” Ms. Winkle jerks open the first drawer
of her desk, grabbing a detention slip.
    “Ugh,” I mutter softly, hoping that the devil
in a Mumu won’t hear me. I am wrong.
    “Ellory Graham!” she squeaks distastefully.
“Would you like to earn yourself another one?”
    “No.” Would you like to pull that stick out
of your ass?
    Ms. Winkle seizes a pen from her pen jar,
fills the slip out quickly, and walks over to me, smacking it down
in my hand. I crumble up the slip; tossing it at the trash can once
she has her back turned.
    As I turn to walk down the hall, someone
slams into me and digs their textbook into the corner of my back.
“What the hell?”
    My face instantly relaxes when I see it’s my
best friend, Wren. “Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed
this morning,” she chirps.
    Wren’s parents went through some kind of
weird bird obsession and that’s how she got her name. It was either
Wren or Robin. She was glad they picked Wren. “At least it’s
unique,” she’d say. I agreed with her. There aren’t very many Wrens
that I know.
    Actually, she’s the only Wren I know.
    “What’s wrong with you today?” she asks,
probing my eyes for answers.
    “I just don’t want to be here.”
    “Do you ever?”
    “Well then, suck it up. We don’t have much
longer until graduation.”
    Graduation, the word is like orchestra
hitting a crescendo. I can’t wait to get out of this hell hole.
    Wren and I amble down the hall to our
lockers. “So you got another detention, huh?” Wren asks.
    I’m not a stranger to detention, in fact, it
seems like the after school classroom that its held in could be my
permanent residence. I guess that’s what you get for always telling
the world how you feel. I’ve never been the type to just keep my
mouth shut. I always feel that honesty is the best policy.
Unfortunately for me, my honesty always gets me into trouble.
    “Yeah, but I shouldn’t have. Katie Halston.
It’s all her fault, she gave me a damn book job.”
    Wren frowns. “You didn’t have to say the ‘f’
    A tiny grin forms on my face. Ah Wren, she’s
always so proper. No swearing, no partying, not an ounce of rebel
in her at all.
    “Wren, I wasn’t going to just let her knock
my books out of my hands without saying anything back.”

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