shiny green eyes. Eyes which took in everything. Tarik’s arms ached. The longing must have been visible on his face. Mikayla swiped the child on the left from her mate and passed her to Tarik. He had no choice but to hold on to the bundle or let her drop to the floor. “She’s Arane and Vaan holds Erana who is named for my old noan.” Arane’s chubby hands punched the air. Tarik ignored the pain in his hearts and cuddled the baby closer. As King, he’d had many children thrust in his arms to wish well or kiss. None enchanted him as much as the one he held at this given moment. “She is beautiful. A tribute to her worthy parents.” He meant the words sincerely. The Overlord nodded. “We thank you for the gift of the miniature swords. They will get much practice with them when they are old enough to wield them.” Tarik chuckled. He’d sent the replica weapons as a joke in order to extend the branch of forgiveness to the Overlord. Tarik had got along well with him prior to the carnage which followed Vaan’s alleged demise. Then Warlord Thenl ruined all of those plans. His tyranny left many deaths in his wake including that of Tarik’s wife. Vaan must have noticed his somber look because he inclined his head to one of his Warlords. “I know it comes years late but accept my condolences on the lost of your Queen. She was a pleasant woman and gracious to me during my visit.” Tarik had no words. He tipped his head in acceptance. It would not be viewed favorably if the King of Desani dissolved into tears at the mere mention of his wife. One of the four Warlords in their traveling party handed a gift wrapped object to his Overlord. With an ease that came with experience, Vaan placed the babe over his shoulder braced by his large hand and reached for the bundle. He extended it to Tarik. “This is on behalf of my mate.” Tarik’s guards closed ranks. The Kabanian Warlords tensed. Tarik raised a palm and glared at all present in the small visiting chamber. “Cease. This ends now. The Overlord and I will continue discussions of our treaty that stalled in the past. We will be allies.” Waiting until they all accepted his decree, Tarik took the gift and cuddled the babe in his arms. Because he was unsure what to expect, Tarik joked, “You do realize that birthing gifts do not require a reciprocal gift?” Vaan chuckled. “My mate decided this is,” the Overlord paused and frowned at his mate before continuing with a sneer, “It is a hostess gift.” All the men gaped and turned toward the Raasa whose gold skin flushed from the sudden attention. She firmed her lips, fangs peeking out and lifted her chin. When she gave no answer in her defense, Tarik had no choice but to open the present. The baby in his arms giggled while he shifted his hold. Sensing his dilemma, Mikayla Galip leaned over and plucked her laughing baby from him. Tarik smiled weakly as nerves strummed along his spine. All watched and waited to see what the Raasa considered an appropriate welcome gift for the King of Desani. He decided he would appreciate it and respond enthusiastically regardless of what she offered. Blue colored paper crinkled beneath his fingers as he tore into the present. Once unwrapped, Tarik could only stare. In his hands, he held a miniature rendition of his home. The detail and craftsmanship depicted every inch of his castle down to the beautiful windows. Over a hundred of the windows featured tiny jeweled overhangs. Tarik’s throat closed as he marveled at the gold statuette. Not many paid heed to the jeweled enhancements. His wife added them as a surprise for Tarik during the second year of their marriage. When the sun shines it sparkles from outside, she’d said with a laugh . He must have been silent too long because they all watched him with awkward grimaces, including his guards. They didn’t understand why the gesture moved him. There was no hiding his reaction and he made no effort to do so.