first met Matt's parents?" I asked. "I thought it would be fancy-like meeting them at the country club. Instead I was hanging out in Matt's family room when his mom came home from work. He said, 'Hey, Mom, this is Becky.' And she said, 'Hi, Becky, nice to meet you.' Then she disappeared. And it was pretty much the same with his father. It was different when Matt came to my house," Becky rambled on. "My mom made him. sit down in the kitchen and she baked him a whole apple pie. I was so embarrassed." "Yes, I remember you telling me that. But how did you feel with Matt's parents?" "I was so nervous. I thought since I don't live in the 'burbs that they'd view me as this unkempt farm girl. But they are always happy to see me. I'm still waiting for them to give me my walking papers." I stopped slurping my malt. I didn't live in a Mansion. And more important, I wasn't a vampire. I'd been so focused on how Alexander said things would change. Maybe he was alluding to more than a few pewter vases. Maybe he meant me. "What if they don't accept me?" I blurted out. "Why wouldn't they accept you?" "I'm not like them." "What do you mean?" "I'm not�" "Yes?" I'm not a vampire! I'm a mortal. I'm not even like Luna Maxwell, who came from a vampire family. In Romania, Alexander had an arranged covenant ceremony with her, but since he wasn't in love with her, he couldn't go through with it. "You're not what?" Becky asked. "I'm not from Romania !" "Duh," she said. "I think they know that." "But maybe they want their son to date someone from Romania." Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( "Why would they want that when they live here?" Because a girl from Romania would be like them, instead of like � us, I wanted to say. "Listen, his grandmother built a mansion here. If Romania was so great, why would she move to this town?" "But his grandmother was a baroness. My grandmother is a retiree." "Alexander doesn't remind me of the snobby type. In fact, just the opposite. He's an outsider like�" "Me?" "Well� us," Becky admitted. Maybe Becky was right. But I wasn't so easily convinced. I wasn't just from the wrong side of the tracks, I was from a different world. Becky tapped her fork against my malt. "Don't worry. Alexander is in love with you. That's all that matters. When Mr. and Mrs. Sterling see how happy lie is, they'll be happy, too." I smiled at my best friend's words. "See, this is why we need to hang out together more," I said. "We can't let our boyfriends get in the way of our schedules-as hot as they may be." "Well, we'll get to see each other every day now that school will be starting." "Don't remind me. Summer is over." "Can you believe we'll be juniors?" she asked like she'd won the lottery. Becky was lucky. She had an interest in school. Her best friend and boyfriend were by her side. I would have been excited to go back to school, too, if I were going to be seeing Alexander instead of my lifelong nuisance, Trevor Mitchell.
3 The night before school started, I was stroking my kitten, Nightmare, and surfing the Net when she began to glare at my window and hiss. Her back arched and her fur stood straight up. I couldn't contain her in my arms. She bolted across my bed and jumped on the windowsill. She batted the glass with her paw. "It's probably a bird, Nightmare. Calm down." Then I heard a tiny ping, like something had hit the outside glass. Nightmare freaked. She dashed across my room and pushed through the cracked open door. I peeked out into the darkness. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust. I didn't see anything unusual around the garage or the swing set that was a few yards away . But a shadowy figure was leaning against the tree. I pressed my face to the window. There he was. My Gothic Guy, my Knight of the Night, my Vampire Prince. My heart throbbed. I raced out of my room, down the stairs, out the back door, and into my boyfriend's arms. Alexander greeted me with a