jug: Toby Lucky Primate: The Archbishop of York L EO Although your last Birthday Karaoke session was enjoyable, you finally recognise that your dream of making a top 20 single is likely to be prejudiced by the fact that you have ear-hairs older than Lady Gaga. Neptune rising will trigger an allergic reaction to Germolene. Be sure to let Hortense at the sandwich bar know about this. Lucky smell: Play-Doh Lucky custard: Banana V IRGO Jupiter’s influence will wane this week, and with it any hopes you might have entertained of escaping the forthcoming shopping trip to Bluewater. On Thursday the Moon transits Pluto, which usually means that someone will step on your bad toe while line dancing. Lucky lemur: Ring-tailed Lucky present: Nine Lords a leaping L IBRA The appearance of Chiron transiting the New Moon on Thursday will bring a new and powerful influence to bear on your life. You are spotted while leaping to avoid a cycle-courier outside the office and the new support tights you bought last Wednesday inadvertently earn you a place on the Olympic long-jump team. Lucky soup: Mulligatawny Lucky finish: Treble 14, double top S CORPIO Mars entering your birthsign this week signals a change of fortune when England’s opening pair score over 237,000 runs off the first seven overs, you discover that you have been selected to Captain the next World Cup team, and you are recognised in the corridor by a member of the Board. See if you can get spread-betting odds on the first two. Lucky air: Lucky air: Professional detachment Lucky duck: Bombay S AGITTARIUS A square Saturn this week indicates that on Wednesday you may have a spot of trouble when the foot-spa you’d set your heart on is out of stock in Argos. Try to remain calm – rubbing strawberry cheesecake into the manager’s hair is unlikely to help matters. Lucky wallpaper: Woodchip Lucky topping: Almond flakes C APRICORN Pluto rising means that this week you finally realise that you’re surrounded by vacuous well-wishers and slight acquaintances who deliberately try to steer you away from your destiny to bolster their own flagging careers. You find yourself itching to use the knuckle-dusters the Vicar bought you for Christmas. Lucky affliction: Nervous tic Lucky disguise: Rob Brydon A QUARIUS A note of caution this week. Retrograde Saturn means that if you deal with others individually, success will greet you. Deal with them as a group and you will be eaten by escaped Wolverines in Potters Bar. On Thursday, a close relative may forget to post you some clean socks for your forthcoming trial. Lucky number: Patrick McGoohan Lucky escape: February 5th P ISCES The New Moon in Venus indicates that your weakness for men in overalls will soon become public knowledge. The rumours began following a careless remark you made at Christmas when, between bites of Bratwurst, you admitted to a French mustard enthusiast that you ‘prefer the flavour of the Colemans’. Lucky adverb: Meanwhile Lucky dynasty: Tang
W EEKLY F ORECAST FOR 7 TH TO 13 TH F EBRUARY A RIES Take care not to alienate anyone this week – especially your partner, as Jupiter, planet of exasperated eye rolling, loud sighs and tutting, is prevalent in your chart. A man with wild staring eyes and a beach hut in Frinton may try to involve you in a porridge-trafficking ring. Lucky complaint: Vange Lucky cornet: Vanilla 99 T AURUS Try as you might, you can’t seem to do anything about the stream of vile and depraved phone-calls that have been troubling you so much of late. Luckily, none have so far been traced to your office number. On Friday, you will receive 1,817 Valentine cards. 12% down on last year. Lucky wine: Soixante-Neuf Du Pape Lucky length: 21cm G EMINI Mars in your sign is likely to be the root cause of a ‘bit of a domestic’ midweek when you come home to find that all of the furniture has been rearranged. One positive aspect of this is that your favourite