sounds really neat in books where the hero or heroine has something to say to the evil villain during an interrogation. And then, as they get beat and smacked around, they just keep it up. Well, in the real world, getting slapped and punched really hurts. After a while I kept my mouth shut except to say “I don’t know” to the same questions over and over. (Which was true because, as far as most of the questions went, I didn’t know the answers.)
“Meredith Gainey is dead.”
I’ve know that for years, but for some reason, whether it was having been locked away in that room for however long, or the fact that my face hurt from being slapped and punched, I started to cry.
“So you are what is left?” Dominique said dismissively. “A sniveling little bitch who was left with a dyke so that mommy could go and see what was out there in the world. Do you ever wonder why? Does it ever bother you that your mother just abandoned you with strangers so that she could run around killing?”
What could I say to any of those questions? Of course I have wondered. However, I have read what my mother wrote during those years after she left me with Mama Lindsay and Mama Janie. And I can’t imagine having been raised by her. She would have been miserable…and most likely, so would I.
“She would rather risk being eaten alive…and eventually die alone someplace than be your mother,” Dominique was still talking. However, I now think I realized what she was trying to do. She had already beaten me physically, and now she wanted to do the same mentally.
“Are you making a point, or do you just like hearing yourself talk?” That was out of my mouth so quickly that I didn’t have time to clamp my teeth together and prevent it.
“I am going to enjoy watching you become one of my soldiers,” she hissed, leaning across the table so that her nose was almost touching mine.
“Why would I become anything for you?” It seemed like a fair question.
“Because I have your mother…or the person you call your mother.”
Dominique got up and knocked on the door. It opened and Bruno came in with Mama Lindsay. She was cuffed, shackled, and gagged. Her eyes grew wide when she saw me and tears came instantly…for both of us.
“Your mother will remain my guest and work as my personal assistant,” Dominique said. “She will be responsible for my safety because as my life goes…so does yours. As for you, you will be enlisted into my New American Army. You will be a soldier. If you die in battle, then I will release your mother as she will no longer serve a purpose. However, if you come up missing, then I will give her to a hundred men a night for a month before tossing her into a pit of zombies that will put an end to her miserable existence.”
That was the end of the interview…and the reunion. Dominique left with Mama Lindsay and Bruno brought me down to a large open room that had been converted into a dorm. I saw lots of other people, most my age or a little older. They all had the same defeated look on their faces. While I doubted that all of them had been told their parent or loved one was going to be the new personal assistant to the psycho president, I imagine that most were being leveraged into “enlisting” into this New American Army.
Bruno showed me my cot and then left. I guess there was no longer any need to watch me. If I did anything, then Mama Lindsay would be killed. That was the only reason that I needed to do as I was told.
“Hey?” a voice said from behind me. I could already tell how this was going to go without even turning around. Have you noticed that you can usually identify a bully just by the tone in their voice?
“Just leave me alone.” Deep down, I knew that wasn’t going to be good enough for this person, but at least I was giving them a warning.
“Whoa-ho…the new meat has an attitude.”
I turned to see a girl that looked like she not only did not ever miss a meal…but those belonging