hand. He directed Dick’s body to the side before yanking it out and slamming it through Lori’s good foot, pinning her in place. There was no scream of pain or frustration, just her flailing arms as she continued to try to grab the meat that was Dean.
He stood back and looked at the woman he once loved and remembered some of those special moments that melted through his icy heart. This is a learning experience that I think Charlie should benefit from. He is going to have to be able to kill anybody infected, including me. What better place for him to start?
Dean Solomon walked over Dick’s immobile corpse and dug into his pockets for the keys to the luxury car outside; he was going to ride out this apocalypse in style. He then went to the utility drawer, where he had always kept a bowie knife for various scraping projects. It was an old, battered, blue steel blade that was pockmarked and weathered with rust stains despite the thin layer of oil that was always kept on it. Stainless steel was nicer and easier, but nothing took an edge like blue steel.
He opened the front door and almost panicked when he saw a very large black man standing outside the truck window where Charlie sat. When the man turned and waved, Solomon relaxed; it was his friend and neighbor, Lester.
“Why don’t you two come in here? There’s something I need Charlie to do. Still have that Benelli over/under of mine? Good, I have plans for that too.”
Chapter One
Hidden by shadow deep within a nameless store, behind shattered windows that offered no protection from the horde trudging by, he waited. His only chance of survival: silence. Zombies had been in his city since the previous night and already he had lost two partners along with his two Labradors, one of which was a prized breeder. Worst of all his losses were those of his wife and son; he had been forced to put them both down in cold blood after they turned. It had not been a good day.
As if he sensed the stupidity of those who hid alongside him, he glared down at them and stifled whatever they were going to say. Now was not the time for talk or noise of any sort. He was confident that he could get away, but he doubted if the two he had stumbled upon were capable of out-maneuvering the dead horde that walked by. He also wondered why he cared; they were nothing to him, just a couple of lucky slobs who stumbled into survival for a few more hours.
He thought about the situation; his wife and son were dead, along with his dogs. His house—trashed; his job—nonexistent after today. He didn’t dare to even think about his daughter. He couldn’t bear the thought of her beautiful face hidden behind a mask of dead eyes and teeth that only wanted to rend raw flesh from the bones of all living creatures. He would rather be dead than have to stare into those zombie eyes—if that is what they had become. The thought of having to put her out of her nonexistence was more than he could think about right now. But he would do it. And then he would take care of himself.
He prayed that she still lived, though he knew the odds of two from one family surviving were very slim. Once he got to his storage locker, he would be able to equip himself with what he needed in order to search for her amongst the dead. Her last location was at the apartment of that loser who she insisted was her boyfriend, but he knew that could never last. His angel would never get stuck with a piece of trash who had nothing to offer. He would put him down whether he was infected or not.
He thought of calling her but was afraid of what would be on the other end. If she was still alive, she would need secrecy in order to stay that way, and a phone call at the wrong time could ruin that. No, best to leave it be until he could see that she was in a safe place.
He hung his head in thought. How far had he fallen in just a few short hours that he would contemplate the murder of her boyfriend? He’s not a murderer;