falls silent again.
‘Do you believe Dr Oystein now?’ Burke asks softly. ‘When he says that Mr Dowling is an agent of universal evil?’
Rage shifts uncomfortably. ‘Do you?’ He throws the question back.
Burke breathes out slowly. ‘I still find it hard to believe in a God or Devil who would get personally involved in our affairs. But when I look at that, I wonder.’
‘You’ve met this guy a couple of times?’ Rage asks, turning towards me.
‘Yeah. Underground in the complex, and when he brought down a helicopter in TrafalgarSquare.’
‘Is he as creepy in the flesh?’
‘Way more,’ I say shortly.
‘What about the freak with the eyes?’ Rage asks.
‘I just know him as Owl Man. Dr Oystein knows his real name, but he –’
‘What makes you think that?’ Burke interrupts.
‘He told me.’
‘Did he tell you what it was?’ Burke asks.
‘No. He said he preferred the name Owl Man and would call him that fromnow on.’
Burke grunts. ‘I must quiz him when I get back. Owl Man is one of the people I’m hoping to learn more about in the files.’
‘Why?’ Rage asks. ‘Do you want to send him a birthday card?’
We all laugh and the mood lightens.
‘It’s some world we live in, isn’t it?’ Burke sighs.
‘Imagine if you’d had to dissect something like Mr Dowling in a biology class,’ I giggle.
‘Maybe I’ll get a chance yet,’ Burke says, turning back towards the trolley. Then he pauses thoughtfully and looks around. ‘Would you mind if I did some of my research here?’
I shrug. ‘If you want.’
‘I wouldn’t be in your way?’
‘No. I was about done. I can go get you a chair.’
‘That’s OK. I’m used to doing it on my feet.’
Rage and I smirk at the unintended joke.
‘Willhe be safe here?’ Rage asks me.
‘Should be. Timothy got along fine until that bloody baby started screeching. The windows are boarded over – I replaced most of the planks that were broken – and I’ve made sure all the doors are properly barred. But what about getting back to County Hall?’
‘Thank you for your concern, but I am able to look after myself,’ Burke says with a hint of irritation.‘I managed to negotiate the streets of London for months without any help before you two came along to nanny me.’
‘But it wouldn’t hurt to have one of us with you, would it?’ I ask him.
Burke grimaces. ‘I’m not a child. Now get the hell out of here before I revive the custom of detention.’
Rage and I laugh. ‘OK,’ I tell my old teacher. ‘The key’s in the door. Lock up after yourselfand leave it under the stone out front.’
‘If you’re not back by sunset, should we come looking for you?’ Rage asks.
‘Give it until sunset tomorrow,’ Burke tells him, eyeing the tower of files and folders. ‘I’m going to be here a while with that lot. I’ll work late into the night, sleep in, then hit the pile again when I wake up. If I can get through it all, it will save us having topush the trolley any further. I worry about getting attacked out on the streets, going slowly with a load like that.’
‘There’s no food, but the taps work,’ I tell him. ‘Or they did the last time I checked. We could bring you some grub and bottled water.’
‘A bit of fasting will do me no harm,’ Burke says and shoos us out. He’s grinning when he waves us off, but I catch him staring atthe painting of Mr Dowling as he shuts the door. His smile disappears as the shadow of the closing door sweeps across him, and sorrow and fear eclipse him in one smooth, sliding motion.
Rage and I head west to County Hall. It used to be the seat of local government years ago. Now it’s home to Dr Oystein and his Angels, a place for us to train and prepare for battle with Mr Dowling and his troops.
We don’t say anything for a while. I don’t like Rage and he’s no fonder of me. We share a room with four other revitaliseds, and manage to be pleasant to one anothermost of the