thing."Jake reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, black felt box. He opened it up and showed Dylan a diamond ring.
"Are you serious, Jake?!" Dylan exclaimed. "You're actually gonna ask her?"
"Yes I am," Jake answered.
Dylan gave Jake a bear hug. He's been expecting Jake to propose to Cassandra for a few months. After the brief celebration, Dylan's mood changed.
"What's wrong?" Jake asked.
"You were going to propose to Cassandra tonight, dude. I'm sorry."
"Man, quit feeling down," Jake reassured. "It's all good. I can always plan again for some other day."
"Jake, it's not all good. I've known Cassandra way before you did. With her, you've got one shot and a small window. I have an idea."
Dylan started dragging Jake through the mob of dancing co-eds and to the front of the stage. Jake knew right then what Dylan’s intentions were.
"Whoa, Dylan," Jake exclaimed. "Don't you dare do what I think you're gonna do!"
"Lighten up, Jake," Dylan insisted. "As your friend, have I ever steered you in any wrong direction?"
"Now that I think about it... Yeah, you did!"
"That I haven't got you out of?"
Dylan, the host of the graduation party, and Julio, the co-host, grabbed their microphones and started welcoming everyone to "The biggest graduation jam in Norfolk, Virginia." Everyone started cheering, then Dylan called Cassandra to the stage. He then asked for the music to be turned down and announced that Jake wanted to say something. Jake was feeling nervous, embarrassed, and angry at the same time. He wanted to leave the stage, but there was no turning back now. Jake leaned over to Dylan.
"If this doesn't work, I'm gonna hate you for this," Jake whispered.
"Oh, you'll thank me for this," Dylan replied. “Trust me.”
Silence was on that beach for the first time in that night. All eyes were on Jake as he got down on one knee and gently reached for Cassandra's hand.
"Cassandra Carter," Jake started. "You have been my girl, my helper, and my friend for about two years now. But, you would make me the happiest man in the world if you would be my wife."
Jake opened that felt box and showed Cassandra that diamond ring. Cassandra was shocked in amazement to the point where tears started rolling down her cheeks. The crowd around that stage started ooing and awwing. Cassandra started taking a couple deep breaths and wiped her eyes.
The crowd started whooping and cheering as Jake placed that ring on Cassandra's left ring finger and start kissing and hugging her. The party then continued as many walked up to Jake and Cassandra and congratulated the two of them.
A group of friends that attended the party that night were walking close to some shack by the beach not far from the party. They abruptly stopped as they came across a naked man, laying behind a garbage dump, who looked old and homeless. He was very filthy and scarred up, like he was decomposing. His voice was all raspy and he was sightly breathing. There was blood all