The Little Girl Who Fought the Great Depression: Shirley Temple and 1930s America

The Little Girl Who Fought the Great Depression: Shirley Temple and 1930s America Read Free

Book: The Little Girl Who Fought the Great Depression: Shirley Temple and 1930s America Read Free
Author: John F. Kasson
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    Australia, 124, 128, 147
    Babes in the Woods , 53
    Babes in Toyland , 53
    Baby Burlesks series, 48–50, 50, 81, 127, 139, 159, 162, 163
    Baby Take a Bow , 78–79, 80, 82, 83, 123, 152, 155, 213
    “Baby Take a Bow,” 56–57, 56 , 73, 171, 194
    Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, The , 237
    ballet, 182–83
    bank holidays, 31, 37
    Bank of United States, 12–13
    Bara, Theda, 152
    Barnes, Howard, 169, 172, 179, 191–92, 196
    Barnum, P. T., 163, 202
    Barrie, James, 86
    Barrymore, Lionel, 99, 103
    Bartholomew, Freddie, 214
    financial exploitation of, 231
    Baruch, Bernard, 10
    Bateman, Kate, 53
    Baum, L. Frank, 189
    Baxter, Warner, 58 , 61, 152
    Bayard family, 200
    Bell, Nelson, 183–84
    Bennetto, Eileen, 128
    “Be Optimistic,” 176
    Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, 133
    Berkeley, Busby, 57
    Berle, Milton, 234
    Berlin, Irving, 58, 282 n
    Berlin Wall, fall of, 244
    Bernstein, Arthur, 231
    Best, Willie, 89, 106
    Bierbower, Jennie Cockrell, 224, 250 n
    Big Broadcast of 1936, The , 95, 97
    “Big Five” motion picture conglomerates, 65–66
    Biograph Girl, 202
    Birth of a Nation, The , 104
    Bisquick, 138
    Black, Charles Alden, 239–40, 242 , 243
    Black, Shirley Temple, see Temple, Shirley
    Blackbirds of 1928 , 93
    blackface minstrel tradition, 89, 91, 93, 97–98, 100, 100 , 101, 104, 105, 111, 164–65
    Blue Bird, The , 53, 155, 186–95, 187 , 217
    Blum, Edwin, 194
    Blumer, Herbert, 127
    Boles, John, 161
    Bolger, Bridget, 131–32
    Bonus Army, 55
    Borglum, Gutzon, 15
    Boston Globe , 64, 215
    Bow, Clara, 204
    Brandeis, Louis, 200–201
    Breen, Joseph Ignatius, 69
    Bright Eyes , 79, 82–87, 84 , 152, 153, 190, 214
    British common law, 231
    Broadway theater:
    child actors in, 53
    Robinson in, 93
    Brooklyn Eagle , 27
    Brooks, Phyllis, 175
    “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?,” 55–56
    Brotherhood of Dining Car Cooks and Waiters, 110
    Brown, Herman J., 86
    Brown, King Rastus, 101
    Brown, Lew, 56
    Bruce, Nigel, 209
    Bryan, William Jennings, 38–39
    Buffalo Evening News , 43
    Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 53, 181
    Butcher, Edward, 153
    Byers, John, 208
    California Bank, 9, 206–7, 207
    Campobello Island, 23
    Cantor, Eddie, 162, 204
    Captain January , 87, 120, 155, 161, 194
    Captains Courageous , 214
    “Carefree” (Bennetto), 128
    Carter, Benny, 271 n
    Cary, Diana Serra (“Baby Peggy” Montgomery), 46, 48, 53, 229–30, 255 n –56 n
    Cash, James Bailey, 212
    Catholic Church, 131–33
    in film censorship, 69, 70
    of fan magazines, 122
    of films, 67–71, 155
    Census Bureau, U.S., 255 n
    Cermak, Anton, 29
    Chaplin, Charlie, 98, 134, 198, 204
    Chase National Bank, 75
    “Chasing Rainbows,” 26
    Chicago Daily Tribune , 64, 184
    Chicago Defender , 94, 107, 113
    child actors:
    abuses against, 4, 50–54, 173
    and consumerism, 134–38, 230
    eclipsed by adolescent stars, 198
    emotional perils of, 199, 224, 234–35
    financial ignorance and exploitation of, 230, 231–32, 240–41
    financial value of, 53–54
    Ford, J. and, 167–69
    history of, 53, 104
    kidnapping and extortion threats to, 213–15
    labor restrictions on, 218
    perceived as natural and unspoiled, 226–27
    popularity of, 161–62
    punishment and physical endangerment of, 52
    rationale for, 53–54, 58–59
    stage/screen mothers and, 46–47
    in theme of Stand Up and Cheer! , 57–59
    on TV, 243
    Child Actors Bill (1939, Coogan Act), 232
    Child and the Home, The (Liber), 225
    childhood, children:
    African American, 99–100, 147
    age and gender division in, 136
    allowances in, 230–31
    as consumers, 4, 135–49, 199–200, 230, 233, 235–36
    cuteness and, 156–59
    as distinct stage of life, 156
    effects of films on, 68, 126–29, 137
    emotional expectations of, 234–35
    fears of, 212
    imitation by, 126–28
    media exploitation of, 212–13
    sentimentalization of, 53, 78, 85
    ST as embodiment of, 115–16, 119, 125–26, 156–63, 200
    as ST fans, 117, 128–31
    ST fashions for, 139–41, 140
    as unspoiled, 199–200, 205, 219–22, 225–27,

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